A laugh escaped my lips Ch 38

A laugh escaped my lips Ch 38

Chapter 38 

Leonardo De Luça 

I slowly walked around the counter. Alessia flicked her dark brown hair over her shoulder and took one glance at me. She pushes off from the kitchen island and I get an eyeful of the front of her dress and those dark mysterious eyes that are framed by long thick lashes

Her angeliccrafted face is so fucking intoxicating that I don’t want her to stay away

Intoxicating yet beautiful

Alessia tore her eyes away from me as if she didn’t even notice me standing there and something inside my chest was left hollow 

We’d better head out.Russo muttered before downing the last of his whiskey. We said we’ll be there ten minutes ago

As we leave the house, 1 follow my gaze on Alessia’s body because she refuses to look at me. I haven’t even said happy birthday to her but it’s obvious she doesn’t want to talk to me because of the other day 

Maybe I crossed a line but I don’t care. I needed her to stop taunting me. However now, everything seems off when she’s not there to bother me or challenge me

Carrot Surely I’m going out of my mind 

We climbed into the car and Russo drove us into town, I just sit there quietly, listening to Ambonio Russo, and Alessia giggling away like teenagers as they reminisce about their past

When we got out of the car, Anthonio held the door open for Alessia and helped her out as she stepped onto the pavement

I can’t keep my eyes off those silky legs. I wanted to feel them wrapped around my head again 


Alessia!I heard a sh 

Cheard a shrill voice call out and I turned to find the girl, tabelli 

Either Russo or Alessia must’ve invited her I needed to have a discussion with Russo anyways about his relationship with her, especially if they’re serious enough for her to be a threat but right now, I just need a fucking drink

We all breaded inade, met with bass music that echoed off the walls and bright colorful lights that flicked across the open gallery room

Anthonio and Russo walked Alessia and Isabella to our booth that was already ready for us, bottles of Don Perignon littered across the table with fancy glass flutes and cups. Alessia’s eyes light up 

This is amazing!She grips Russo’s shoulders 

I love it. Thank you.” 

He bundles her into a tight hug, making her look tiny compared to his light frame. When he released her. Istepped forward to say what I should’ve said the moment I first saw ber today but I chickened out at the last second

What the fuck is wrong with mett 

I swipe my hand through my hair becoming frustrated with this hold that she seemed to have over me 

Anthonio leaned forward popped the champagne open and poured us all a glass before standing and raising them 

To Alessia. May you have the best and a bright twentythird year of life” 

“To Alessia.We all muttered as Isabella gave her a big bug 

in the center 

We sip from our glasses and Alessia thanks us, still avoiding eye contact with me at all costs. God help me. This is going to be a long night

Having to watch Alessia parade herself around in that tiny little dress with a bright smile cascading across her lips and eyes full of love was a per form of torture, especially knowing that none of it was directed at me

Part of me wishes I never came


Ind Check

Chapter 38 

1 watch as Alessia slips off to the VIP bathrooms, my eyes spying on Russo and Isabella deep in conversation and Anthonio is nowhere in sight

1 purposely waited a couple of minutes before pushing off from the black leather sofas and headed towards the hall where the bathrooms were. Just as1 loop around the corner, I spot Alessia strolling straight towards me

Walking with one foot in front of another like a fucking supermodel. I’ve never wanted to sink my teeth into her curved body more 

Alessia’s brown eyes flicked to mine. She attempts to walk past as if I’m no one but a stranger but I step in the way and grip her wrist gently

Let me go.She demands

No.I shook my head. She huffs out a breath and attempts to break out of my grip but I only hold her tighter. I just wanted some alone time with you.” 

She flexes a dark brown. Alone time with me? So you can fuck me with your fingers like the slut you think 1 am?” 

1 ignore her blatant sarcasm because I probably deserved in but I miss this spark in her, this firecracker. 

I wanted to say happy birthday.” 

And with twentyfour hours to spare.She sorts to herself. We fucking live in the same house and you’re just now wishing me a happy birthday? Congrats.” 

I huff out a slow breath. Look- 

LeoShe shakes her head. I just need to go and I need you to stay out of my way?” 

I opened my mouth to protest but quickly stopped myself

GoodShe nods and pushes past me. I appreciate you coming tonight but you didn’t have to.” She said, walking away but not before I noticed her lips curving up into a smile

Or am I imagining that

I ran a hand over my face and headed to the bathroom, giving me a chance to take a wellneeded breather and recharge. I really shouldn’t have come. Russo alone could protect her much more than Russo and Anthonio

When I come back to the booth, Russo and Anthonio are sitting down, sipping from their glasses. Isabella leaned on Russo’s shoulders

Russo nods at me when I sat down and I leaned forward to down my drink, trying to ignore the shitty music that blasted from the speakers

You good man?Russo asked. I nod. Yeah. All good.” 

I immediately frown when I don’t spazi Alessia and we all know she shouldn’t be walking around alone even though this is a trusted place

Where’s Alessia?I asked Russo

Oh, she’s over there with Damien. She must’ve invited him. Relax, he’s a good guy. We all know him. Russo added, probably sensing the anger on my face

I was sick and tired of people telling me to relax when it came to guys talking with Alesda 

I looked over at where Russo was pointing his hand over at the bar where Alessia was tucked beside another man, tall and grinning at her like a Cheshire cat 

My fists ball at my sides as she touches his arms and laughs at something he sys 

Oh no no no no you don’t


A laugh escaped my lips

A laugh escaped my lips

Status: Ongoing


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