Chapter 18%
I walked down the white hallway of the hospital, my mind swimming with so many thoughts. The scent of the hospital made
nade my stomach turn; it all reminded me of my father and his death in this same building K
I wanted to visit Cain and see how he was doing with the bullet wound, but something made me want to turn back and leave but I kept walking till I got to his mom
I stopped in front of the door, taking a deep breath before pushing it open and stepping in
The bed was empty.
My heart dropped. The sheets were still scattered from where he was lying, but the room was silent and empty
I took a step inside, my brows furrowed and a nurse walked me to the room behind me with a small, sad smile.
“Miss Macmillan?” the nurse asked gently
I nodded. “Yes, that’s me” I responded. “Where is Cain, the man in this room?)
The nurse sighed, stepping closer “Mr Cain Blackwood is gone!
I let out a huge breath. “What do you mean he is gone, gone where?” Lasked “Is he dead?%
“Not dead,” the nurse said quickly. “He left this morning. He discharged himself out of the hospital
I let out the breath I was holding, my heart pounding. “Where did he go? Is he healed enough to just leave?“”
The nurse shook her head. “He didn’t say, he insisted he wanted to leave and we couldn’t stop him. But before he left, he asked me to give you this
She held out a folded envelope, I hesitated for a moment before taking it from her, the nurse left and then I pulled out the note and
I started reading.
By the time you are reading this, I be gone.
I don’t deserve to be here and see you, not alter everything I’ve done to you I was selfish, manipulative, and blind to see your love You once loved me, and I threw it away for greed, for power, for something that was never meant to be mine
You deserve to live in peace, and I’ll never be able to give you that. I realize now that I was never the man you needed, and I don’t want to hold you back anymore.
1 signed the divorce papers. It’s official You’re free from me and we are no longer married!!
I hope you find happiness, Elle. Im so sorry!!
My eyes were filled with tears as I finished reading the letter. I turned to the small table near the hospital bed and saw the divorce papers already signed and completed
For the first time in a long time, I took a deep breath.X
Cain was gone. I was free.
When i got back home, there was the scent of something nice in the air. I set down my purse and pulled off my heels, stepping into the dining room.
I was shocked by the sight in the dining room. Jumes was standing by
by the table, setting down a bottle of wine next to the two plates
of food.”
The table was arranged with candles and flowers. He turned to me with a smile
“You are home, he walked towards him, his arms wide for a hug
I nodded. “Yeah. I’m home.
He brushed his fingers over my face. “Are you okay? You look sad.”
I nodded. “When I got to the hospital, he was gone.“X
“And how do you feel??!
“I feel lighter and happy.
James smiled. Then let’s finally celebrate.”
They went down to eat, laughing and smiling as we ate the food. For the first time in a while, I had a real smile
I was happy!
After dinner, we moved to the balcony, watching the city lights. I leaned against the railing, enjoying the cool night breeze!!
James came up behind her, wrapping me in his arms and giving me a soft kiss on my shoulder.”
“What are you thinking about?
“The past”
“The first few months of my
my marriage with Cain, I loved him. I always dreamed of our future together and all the children we would have and of the life we would build as a family. I believed in him “X
took a deep breath. “But he hurt me so much. There were so many lies and betrayals, I was so heartbroken when I found out it was all a lie. But now, I know everything “R
James held my face. “With me?2
Yes with you, James.”
He pulled me into a kiss, and then he pulled me apart and leaned against me.!!
“There’s no point in looking back,” I murmured.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath?
“No looking back, he echoed.X
And for the first time in a long time, I meant it, I was now looking forward to my future with James and what we could have together.
I smiled and pulled him in closer.