She wolf rejected her fate Ch 20

She wolf rejected her fate Ch 20

Chapter 20

The next day came very fast. I sat by the window, staring at the sea. The waves crashed against the shore, the sound so soothing yet so distant. Foggy had just walked in, holding a small bundle wrapped in cloth. His usual bright teasing smile was absent, replaced by a quiet seriousness I had seen on him when he was with Jareth

Here,he said, placing the bundle in front of me. Some herbal tea. You might be feeling cold with all this wind. It’ll help.

I took the tea absentmindedly, my eyes still fixed on the endless ocean. My mind was miles away, lost in thoughts I couldn’t explain, My whole life, I’d only known rivers. My father, the Alpha, always wamed me not to go past the edge of the water, not to venture into the sea. Only warriors do. And Lilith too. They took her whenever they are going far to another territory as their beloved daughter 

And when I would question with tears then, the Alpha would say Don’t forget your place. You are a stray we took in. Don’t get your hopes up of crossing large waters.

But now, here I was, sitting in a place that felt so far from everything I’d ever known. Away from the Alpha’s voice and Luna’s commanding tone. Away from Damon, away from Lilith3 

I sipped the tea slowly, its warmth spreading through me. It was comforting, though I didn’t really feel like it. My thoughts were jumbled. Foggy watched me for a moment, his gaze softening. For a moment, I want to hear his teasing voice.” 

You’re leaving tomorrow, right?Lasked, finally looking up at him.8 

Foggy nodded. Yeah, I have to. There’s more work on the other side and Jareth is expecting my return. I’ll be back soon or not though. It’s not goodbye forever. Or it is.” 

My work is done Wolves shouldn’t associate much with Rogues 

I wanted to protest, but the words got stuck in my throat. I didn’t want him to go. But Foggy had always been like the windhard to hold onto. And maybe that’s why my journey to the land of no return was a beautiful one

My Lady.Foggy said, his voice firm but kind. Before I go, I want to make sure you know how to steer the ship. I’ve taught you before, though not actively but I was expecting you would learn from afar

But you didn’t.” He added 

I stared at him, then at the ship. The large, wooden vessel rocked gently in the harbor, the sails fluttering in the evening breeze. The thought of being responsible for it, for something so big, made me realize I was the captain of my world tool 

Though Jareth made this ship invisible and unable to trace. It is easy to control” 

I know,” I replied, knowing well it was a lie

You can always return to your pack or Jareth’s anytime. Even if it is ten years in future you decided to come back 

Foggy led me to the wheel, his hand guiding mine as I gripped it. He stood beside me, watching carefully, his presence steady. My felt sad 


Alright, shwolf. First, you need to turn the wheel just like this.He moved my hands, showing me the right motion. It’s all about feeling the waves. The sea talks to you, you just have to listen.” 

I nodded, trying to focus, but the sea was overwhelming. The water seemed endless, and I wasn’t sure I could control it

Don’t worry,he said, his voice gentle. You’ll get the hang of it. It’s all about trust. Trust yourself, and trust the ship.” 

The ship’s Jareth finest work. Many thoughts went into itHe added, flashing me a canine smile 

His words calmed me a little. I took a deep breath, then gripped the wheel again, trying to steady myself. The wind was picking up, and I could feel the cool air tugging at my skin. Foggy didn’t move, but I could tell he was watching me carefully

You’ll be fine,” he added, his voice almost a whisper now. I know it.” 

YesI survived a wicked childhood, I would definitely survive nights on the ship and also find my way in the land of no return.” 

Make sure you keep the fire going at night,he added, as if reading my mind. It gets cold out here. You don’t want to catch a chill.

I won’t be there to make you teasHe said and I smiled. It wasn’t the blank one I do give him. It was actually a genuine one

She wolf rejected her fate

She wolf rejected her fate

Status: Ongoing


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