- 3.
But soon, I came to a painful realization–my beloved son, James, was never on my side. All along, it had been nothing more than my own wishful thinking.
This weekend, Ryan said he wanted to take James out for some “father–son bonding time.” He told me it was just the two of them, so I wasn’t invited.
Like always, I played the role of the dutiful wife, smiling and waving them off at the door. But as soon as they left, I changed into casual clothes and followed them.
And, of course, I caught them halfway through the drive as they picked up Annie Jo.
I clenched my fists, forcing myself to hold back my anger. A bitter smile spread across my face. There’s no way my son would be won over by a few cheap tricks.
James might be young and innocent, but he’s a sharp kid. These days, kids know far more than we think–exposure to the internet and media makes sure of that. Even if parents or teachers don’t explain certain things, they figure it out on their own.
At least, that’s what I told myself.
But I was wrong.
James wasn’t the least bit surprised to see Annie join them. On the contrary, he was
“Aunt Annie! It’s so much fun getting to hang out with you!” he exclaimed, his excitement practically bouncing off the car windows.
Inside, I was screaming. James, she’s not your sweet teacher anymore–she’s the
homewrecker trying to become your new mom!
But James couldn’t hear me.
The three of them spent the day happily wandering around the amusement park. I followed at a distance, watching as they laughed and played together. When they were done, they headed to a cozy little family–owned restaurant for lunch.
21:13 Wed, Mar 12
homewrecker trying to become your new mom!
Bút James couldn’t hear me.
The three of them spent the day happily wandering around the amusement park. I followed at a distance, watching as they laughed and played together. When they were done, they headed to a cozy little family–owned restaurant for lunch.
After their meal, they continued to a nearby mall, buying clothes and toys for James.
James’s smile never left his face that entire day.
At one point, I heard him tell Annie, “Aunt Annie, you have such great taste! I don’t really like the stuff my mom picks out for me.”
Then he added, “Aunt Annie, I wish you were my mom. My mom’s always bossing me around–telling me what I can’t eat, what I can’t play with. We don’t have anything in common. You’re way cooler than her.”
And then, the final blow:
“My mom’s like a tiger sometimes, always yelling. You’re so much gentler than she is.”
Ryan glanced over at him with a smirk. “So, what if Aunt Annie actually became your mom? Would you be okay with that?”
James paused for a second, then shrugged. “Hmm… I’d have to think about it.”
In that moment, their voices faded as my world spun around me. I felt dizzy, like the ground had been ripped out from under me.
had accepted Ryan’s infidelity–I had resigned myself to it. But I never expected to fail so completely that I couldn’t even hold onto my own son’s love.
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.VIP part
I always thought I’d done everything I could for James.
I didn’t let him eat junk food because it’s unhealthy, and he has no sense of moderation. Those “cool” clothes he likes? The fabric is often low–quality, and his skin is sensitive–I’d never let him wear something that might cause an allergic reaction.
From his meals to his clothes to his daily routine, I paid attention to every little detail.
Sure, you might think, “Well, you have a nanny, so how much effort are you really putting in?” But James is my child, the one I carried for nine months and gave birth to. How could I ever fully trust someone else to raise him? The nanny is just there to help–I’ve never stopped worrying about the things that matter.
I’ll admit, I’m far from a perfect mom.
Sometimes, when James pushes my buttons. I lose my temper. I’m not proud of it, but I’m only human.
What I never expected, though, was for all my love and care to feel like a burden to him. I never imagined he’d think swapping me out for someone else would be an upgrade.
I must have looked awful, standing there frozen, because a stranger passing by asked, “Ma’am, are you okay? Do you need help?”
Up ahead, Ryan must have sensed something. He suddenly turned back and glanced in my direction.
Even though I felt like I was about to collapse, I instinctively ducked behind someone to
avoid being seen.
I thought I’d break down. I thought I wouldn’t be able to keep up the façade any longer.
But I guess I underestimated myself.
Even in the middle of this nightmare, I managed to keep my composure, I stayed sharp despite the pain tearing me apart inside.
21:13 Wed, Mar 12 ww.
When Ryan and James came home, their arms loaded with shopping bags, they were greeted by my usual cheerful smile.
I beamed at them and asked, “Wow, did you two have fun today? What’s with all the bags? Did you buy all this just for James?”
“Yup!” James answered without hesitation. “All my friends have this stuff, so I made Dad take me shopping for it.”
If I hadn’t overheard everything earlier, I wouldn’t have doubted James for a second.
But now?
James wasn’t as innocent as I’d let myself believe. The signs had been there all along. I just didn’t want to see them.
Ryan and Annie’s affair didn’t start today. Ryan had been using James as an excuse to visit the school for ages. There’s no way James didn’t know something was going on.
And today? He was lying to cover for them, plain and simple.
In this house, I’m the outsider.
It feels like the whole place is buzzing with excitement, eagerly awaiting the arrival of its new mistress.
I used to compromise for James’s sake. I used to think that being his “mom” was the most important thing in the world.
But now, I understand just how cheap that title really is.
I’m done being silent.
It’s time to take back everything that belongs to me.