Divorced My Mafia Husband Married My Brother-In-Law Chapter 27

Divorced My Mafia Husband Married My Brother-In-Law Chapter 27

Chapter 27

With a growt, Killian lunged at Richard, and his hand knocked the gun away. Richard barely had time to react before Killian tackled

Richard let out a grow as they struggled, but Killian was weakened Blood dripped from his wound, and his movements were sluggish the was getting weak fast 

Even so he didn’t let go

He wrapped his arms around Richard’s throat with dark eyes 

YouHe coughed with blood staining his lips. You don’t get to touch her7 

Richard choked, and he struggled against Killian’s tight grip, but he managed to slam his elbow into Killian’s chest, the sume place where Killian was shot 

Killian cried out in pain, and he quickly released Richard. I felt helpless, as my mind raced. How could I help?!! 

The gun on the floor caught my eyes, and I immediately dove towards it, my heart pounding in my chest

Richard! I swear to God if you move an inch, I will kill you!I yelled frantically, pointing the gun at him.8 

Richard froze immediately, he slowly turned to me. June?He called softly. It’s me, Richie. You won’t shoot me for him.

I gritted my teeth at him. Try me,I growled.

His eyes widened slightly when he saw the serious expression on my face, and betrayal and hurt flashed through his face.However, I didn’t care. My focus was on Killian who was getting paler, and his breathing was getting weaker

Get out of here, before I shoot youI snapped

Richard hesitated for a moment, before he clenched his jaw and ran off, leaving me with a dying Killian

I dropped the gun as soon as Richard left. I didn’t have time to waste 

I turned to Killian, who was barely holding on. His eyes fluttered, as he struggled to stay awake 

No, no, no. Stay with me, Killian!I cried, pressing my hands against his wound to stop the bleeding

He chuckled weakly. Didn’t.. know you cared this much he muttered

Shut up.I choked, trying to keep pressure on the wound. You’re not dying. I won’t let you.” 

His eyes met mine with a soft look in his eyes 

I rummaged through his pocket for his phone. My fingers were stained with blood. I called Enzo, and put it on speaker Come on, come on.” I whispered frantically as the call rang

Boss?Enzo’s voice came through the line

Enzo! It’s June,I said frantically. Killian’s been shot. II need help! Now!” 

Enzo cursed. Where are you?” 

At the housejust hurry, please!My voice cracked

We’re on our way. Keep pressure on the wound and don’t let him pass out Enzo instructed before the call disconnected ” 

I turned back to Killian, whose eyes were closing.X 

No! Killian, stay awake!I shook him slightly.IT 

His fingers brushed against mine weakly You’re.. beautiful when you panic,” he mumbled

I laughed hysterically. You’re an idiot.

His hand gripped mine suddenly, with more strength than I expected. His eyes pierced through me with intensity.

I love you,he murmured

I froze.

For a second, I thought I imagined it. But he was looking at me with a desperate and vulnerable look in his eyes

My mouth gaped open in shock. This wasn’t how I wanted to hear those words for the first time. Not like this. Not when he was on the verge of dying 

But before I could say anything, his grip loosened, and his eyes closed

No! Killian!I shouted, shaking him

I could hear the sirens wailing in the distance. Help was coming

Regret washed through me as I realized that I didn’t have the chance to tell him that I loved him

The waiting room was too cold. Or maybe that was just me

I sat in the same chair for what felt like forever, holding my hands together as I waited

This must be how Killian had felt all those times I had been in the hospital. The helplessness. The fear. The worry

I glanced up at the double doors of the operating room, praying that someone would walk through them and tell me something. My heart pounded in my chest as my mind replayed the moment Killian collapsed in my arms with his blood soaking through my fingers

i love youwere his final words to me li 

The door finally swung open, and a doctor stepped out taking off his mask. My breath caught in my throat and I stood to my feet 

June Winslow 

YesIcned out. How is he is he-)

He’s stable,the doctor said quickly, and I almost collapsed in relief. The bullet missed any major organs, but he lost a lot of blood We managed to remove the bullet and repair the damage, but he’s still unconscious” 

Tears welled up in my eyes. Can I see him?

The doctor nodded. Of course” 

I followed the doctor to Killian’s room. When I stepped inside, my breath hitched.!! 

Killian looked so pale, and weak. His face was too still. Too lifeless

I walked over to him slowly, and held his hand. It was warm. That was a good sign

I released a sigh and sat down beside him. St 

You scared the hell out of me.” I whispered, tears running down my face

He didn’t respond. He was still unconscious

I sighed, squeezing his hand gently. You told me you loved me, Killian,I murmured. And then you passed out like a complete asshole before I could say anything back.” 


Three days passed

Killian was getting better, but he still hadn’t woken up

I barely left his side, only leaving to grab coffee or check in with Enzo, who had torn the city apart looking for Richard. But he was 


Every morning. I sat by Killian’s bedside, waiting for him to wake up. And every night, I told myself that tomorrow would be the day 3 Until the fourth day, something happened

June’s Pov 

Divorced My Mafia Husband Married My Brother-In-Law

Divorced My Mafia Husband Married My Brother-In-Law

Status: Ongoing


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