Chapter 75
The place was decked out in gold, like someone went crazy with glitter. Fancy sculptures lined the walls, and there was a huge fountain with colorful crystals at the bottom. It felt like a billionaire’s dream. The stage looked grand and ready for a big show.
The group had some time to spare, so they headed up to the third–floor restaurant to grab a quick bite. They scarfed down their food and hurried back downstairs just as the clock hit the right time.
They snagged seats up front, where they could see everything. The audience was packed with VIPs, all chatting in hushed tones about what was about to happen.
Right on cue, the stage lift rose up. On top was this massive iron dog cage, and inside was a black dog, snarling and drooling. Its teeth were bared, and its eyes looked downright dangerous.
The host, dressed in a sharp suit, stepped up to the mic and grinned at the crowd. “Alright, folks, hold onto your hats. The moment you’ve all been waiting for is here!
“Introducing the Man vs. Dog Showdown–where the stakes are high and the action is wild. Place your bets and see who’ll come out on top.”
As the host’s voice faded, another iron cage rolled onto the stage. Inside, a shirtless, scarred man huddled in the corner, trembling and terrified. His hair was tangled, and an iron chain looped around his neck.
Yasmine blinked, then nudged Kristina. “Hey, doesn’t that guy look familiar?” she whispered.
Kristina’s eyes widened in shock. ‘Oh my god, it’s Stanley!‘ she exclaimed in her mind, unable to tear her gaze away from the man in the cage.
She was shaking her head in disbelief. Stanley wasn’t exactly a nice guy, but this was way over the line.
She remembered the videos–someone was targeting Stanley, driven by a grudge she couldn’t fathom. The mastermind seemed fearless of the McClain family’s retaliation. Kristina’s mind raced as she wondered if Devin was behind it.
Devin had his fingers in most of the entertainment scene in Havrelia, and this club was one of his. But these underground games were serious- they could get people killed.
The fight on stage had already kicked off, and Kristina couldn’t stay put. She grabbed a waiter’s arm and asked him to get her the manager here. A few minutes later, a guy in a sleek tuxedo hurried over.
“Ms. Bentley, you’re our VIP guest. Need any help?” the manager asked with a big smile.
“I need to see Mr. Anderson. I’ve got something important to discuss with him,” Kristina said, her voice serious.