1:28 Thu, Dec 26
Chapter 12
Antonio was busy working on some files in his office when he herd a knock on the door. He frowned as he wondered who it could be.
It was already late and so all the employees had gone home. Did Daniel come back? That couldn’t be the case, as it was raining.
Before he could give permission for whoever it was to come in, the door opened and Alejandro came into view.
“I’m sure me knocking must have confused you,” he grinned. That was true, as Alejandro never knocked.
“What are you still doing here?” Antonio probed.
“I could ask you the same thing, but that’s not why I’m here,” Alejandro responded as he placed a tablet in front of Antonio.
“You know I don’t follow gossip,” Antonio rolled his eyes when he looked at what was displayed on the screen.
“This one is different,” Alejandro responded, urging Antonio to read what he was showing him.
Antonio frowned, but he did as Alejandro was asking. It was an article which was reporting the return of Jeremy. What did that have to do with him? He questioned, but he continued reading.
As he further read along, something caught his eye, and that was the report of Jeremy and Vanessa Pierce being a couple. “Didn’t the report we got from Martin say Jeremy was dating Zabelle,” he asked.
“Yes it did and Martin’s reports are never wrong,” Alejandro stated. “There was no report of them ever breaking up, means…”
“She has been waiting in vain for a man who was cheating with her,” Antonio chuckled as he looked at the picture of Vanessa‘ and Jeremy kissing.
“What are the odds?” Alejandro smiled.
“This just made my night,” Antonio smiled. His father’s presence had ruined his day, but this just made him happy beyond words.
Her words about her being sorry for the woman who would marry rang in his mind. At least he didn’t have a cheating partner.
“You’re welcome, dear brother” Alejandro responded, and it made Antonio squinted his eyes at him.
“Why? What’s in this for you?” The latter asked. Even though Alejandro was the easy–going one between the two of them, they were still very much similar, and he knew his brother didn’t do anything without a reason.
“In simple terms, I’m in it for the drama,” Alejandro responded as he grabbed his tablet. He loved drama, and he was very much invested in what was happening between Antonio and Zabelle as she wasn’t his everyday admirer.
Knowing his brother, if Zabelle was truly heartbroken by what Jeremy had done, then Antonio wouldn’t miss the opportunity to further break her and if all things went according to what he had in mind, then…
His mouth curled up in a smirk before his eyes moved to check the time. “Would you look at that, I’m late,” he said, and he turned to leave.
Antonio didn’t need to ask where he was going, as he knew it was to a club or to get laid, either of which he wasn’t interested in.
Seeing that he was alone once more, he returned to the files he had been going through, but he found himself unable to
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Chapter 12
focus as his mind kept derailing to the thought of a certain blonde woman.
Tsk, he hissed under his breath after fifteen minutes, and he was still thinking of her. He wondered if now would be a good time to further break her, or if giving her the night to process it was.
It wasn’t a hard choice for Antonio to make, as he immediately stood up and grabbed his jacket. There would be nothing more satisfying than troubling her while she was in pain.
With that thought, he headed down to his car. He had already dismissed the driver, and so he got into the driver’s seat.
The rain poured heavily as he drove out and thankfully, there wasn’t any traffic. Halfway through the journey, he yawned and this made him roll his eyes as it wasn’t like he would be able to get any sleep.
It had been years since he slept peacefully without the use of any medication, which barely did anything to keep the nightmare of what had happened that fateful day out of his head
Antonio’s hand gripped the steering wheel as he remembered. He subconsciously looked at his hands to see if there was any blood, but there was, and he shook his head to bring himself back to normal.
When he returned his attention to his surroundings, he noticed there was a woman lying in the middle of the road. ‘Shit!‘ he cursed as he slammed the brake so he wouldn’t run over her.
At a distance, he saw two men getting into a car and even though it was pouring heavily, he still managed to make out the plate number of the car.
It wasn’t as though he cared enough to give it to the police, it was just something that happened subconsciously.
Slowly, Antonio opened the car door and made his way over to the woman. His shock knew no bounds when he discovered that it was none other than Zabelle who was on the floor.
His eyes zeroed it on her dress which was drenched with her own blood and not even the rain could wash it away. Her hands were clutching her stomach, and he concluded she was clutching where she had been stabbed.
“Well, this is interesting,” he couldn’t help but remark, as the woman he was going to meet had come to him herself. He could tell that she was dying, but he made no effort to help her as he didn’t care. In fact, the thought of watching her bleed to death sounded satisfying.
“P–please s–save me,” he heard her say to him, and he chuckled.
“I’m not in the mood for that,” he responded. “However, I am in the mood to watch you bleed to death,” he stated.
The next thing Zabelle did made him frown as she moved one of her hands from her stomach to grab his leg. “P–please.”
“I’m no angel to save you. I’m the devil, one you do not ask for favours as it will haunt you forever,” Antonio stated, and he moved his legs backwards so she would let go.
“Ple…” Zabelle started, but she was unable to complete her words as darkness engulfed her, and she finally lost consciousness.
Antonio looked around, and it didn’t appear that any more cars were coming this way. He then returned his attention to the unconscious woman.
Now that he had watched her die, her chapter was over and done with, but he didn’t feel fulfilled, and it was as though death was too small a punishment for her.
Bending down, he checked her pulse, and he felt it, even though it was faint. It was now or never, he thought to himself as he reached out and carried her in his arms.
He wasn’t joking when he said he wasn’t an angel and if Zabelle indeed survived this, then she would come to know why she
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Chapter 12
shouldn’t have asked him to save her.
Reaching the back seat of the car, he gently placed her down, after which he brought out his handkerchief and placed it on the place where she had been stabbed. He then used her hands to hold it down.
Without wasting time, he got into the driver’s seat and drove off as every passing second pushed her closer to her death.
Before reaching the hospital where he took her, he had called his family doctor and explained the whole situation to him, so the man could be ready with a team.
As soon as he got there, she was immediately placed on a stretcher and taken into the operating theater.
This left Antonio to deal with the police officers who had been called. He rolled his eyes as he had no intention of giving them any useful information, but due procedure had to be followed by the Doctor.
Plus, he was sure he was going to be their number one suspect and so he had to answer them.
“Sir, we’re going to have to ask you a few questions,” one of the officers spoke as he brought out his notepad
“Go ahead,” he said calmly.
“I need a detailed report of what happened,” the same officer spoke.
“I was driving from work and I saw her lying in the middle of the street with two men running away in a car,” Antonio narrated.
“Did you see the plate number?”
“No, I didn’t,” he lied.
“Can I get a description?” The officer continued to question.
“It was dark and raining heavily, I couldn’t see anything,” Antonio responded, and that wasn’t a lie.
“Do you know the woman in question?”
“Yes.” Antonio simply answered, not bothering to explain further
“How?” The officer asked in one word.
“She’s my fiancée,” Antonio lied without breaking a sweat.