Chapter 27
Zabelle watched as the sun rose as she sniffed. She didn’t get a wink of sleep as she was up all night thinking about the wedding which was happening in two weeks.
Two weeks until she was trapped in a loveless marriage with a men who was out to make her life a living hell.
The fact that there was nothing she could do killed her, as it was not only for Meredith but her daughter as well. She was the reason the girl didn’t have a father, she wasn’t about to be the reason her mother died.
She should have been long used to the fact that there was no space for happiness in her life. From Meredith to Jeremy, it was just not for her.
Would it make things easier if she accepted that fact? She wondered as she sighed.
Speaking of happiness, she was curious to know what her family would think after they learned that she was Antonio’s fiancee.
Would they be happy, she had managed to become Antonio’s fiancée, or would they be upset that she was trying to outshine her sister?
Her bet was on the latter, as there was nothing she would do that would ever make them proud.
Wanting to know whether there was a huge scandal about her and Antonio, she grabbed her phone.
As soon as she logged on, her phone blew up with countless notifications from her various social media accounts. People were following her as well as tagging her
It didn’t take long to find out why, as she saw a famous gossip blog had posted her and Antonio’s picture with the headline;
The article basically said what she knew, and that was the fact that she and Antonio were engaged but, the article wasn’t sure about it
However, different people who had attended the event, posted pictures of her and her ring was glaring in the picture. Plus, people confirming that Antonio told them she was his fiancée,
It didn’t take long for people to find her page, hence the reason it was blowing up. While some were congratulating her for having scored Antonio, others were accusing her of being a gold digger.
“Come take my place then, she hissed in irritation. The fools had no idea of how much she hated her current predicament: and even if they did, she didn’t think they would care.
Zabelle turned her attention from her phone when she heard a knock on her door. It was seven in the morning, who could be there so early? She wondered as she got up to open the door
When she opened it, she found Martha, the head helper, in front of her. “Sir has asked your to get ready and join him for breakfast,” she informed Zabelle who nodded and then closed the door.
She wasn’t too keen on having breakfast with Antonio, but then again, what choice did, she have?
Not wanting to give him a reason to move the wedding forward, he quickly headed into the bathroom to have her bath. About fifteen minutes later, she headed downstairs after mentally preparing herself to face the devil.
When she got to the dining table, she saw him already seated at the head of the table with a coffee in his hand and, as always, he was staring at his tablet. This was the first time they would be having breakfast together, and she hoped it would be the
Fri, Dec
Chapter 27
Not wanting to be anywhere close to him, she decided to sit at the chair farthest from him. Her action finally made him turn his attention away from the tablet and over to her.
“Five, four…” he began to countdown and Zabelle quickly got up from her seat and moved to one closer to Antonio as she knew that was why he was counting down.”
“You’re still too far. Sit here,” he pointed to the chair that was at his right–hand side.
“Three, two…” he resumed his countdown when Zabelle didn’t immediately do as he said.
“Alright, I’ll do it!” Zabelle stopped him as she got up and moved to the seat he had pointed out. It was the closest to where he sat, and she immediately felt suffocated.
Why was he so keen on having breakfast with her when he didn’t care about her?
As she was pondering on that thought, the head helper walked into the dining room to dish their food as per her job.
“You can
- go. Zabelle will do it,” Antonio dismissed and Martha left.
“Why are you having breakfast with me?” Zabelle couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“Dish the food.” Antonio ordered, ignoring her question, and she scowled over his habit of ignoring her questions.
“I can’t do it, I don’t know what you like,” Zabelle stated. If she knew he would ask her to do so, then she would have come down while it was being prepared and added some poison..
“Surprise me,” Antonio stated, and she decided to come up with the worst combination of foods that was sure to make him not to ask her to serve him again..
When she was done, Antonio looked down at the food, and she was waiting for him to react, but he didn’t, and she wondered if she was weird enough to actually like what she had concocted
“It’s nice, take this, that’s your breakfast,” he commanded, and her mouth fell wide open.
“W–what?” She stuttered. There was no way she was going to try what she had put on the plate.
“I’ve had a change of heart. It’s not fair to eat what you so passionately made,” Antonio stated as he pushed the plate in front of Zabelle.
“No, it’s fine, I don’t mind,” Zabelle said and Antonio shook his head.
“Eat. It or I can feed it to Meredith,” he offered and Zabelle quickly ate on the plate.
“It’s commendable to see you try to act smart but trying to do so against me will just lead you into such a position,” he stated and Zabelle scowled.
“Sir, your parents are here, Martha informed Antonio as she walked back into the room just as she finished speaking, they
walked into the room.
“Is it really true? Are you getting married in two weeks?” Alicia inquired, and Antonio’s eyes rested on Zabelle.
“Yes we are,” she answered against her will.