Chapter 92
“Contract for employment?” she breathed, her fingers grazing the paper while her eyes tried to take in the words her mind struggled to understand. “What exactly am I looking at, Kylan?”
Katrina met his stare and frowned when she realized he was still smirking.
“I met with Ryan and Max two nights ago, after I took you home.” Kylan began, his tone even and calm. So calm “Together, we came to the same conclusion that areas of this company are a bit outdated, you could say. Particularly within the Public Relations Department” He pointed to a on the top of the first page situated in the folder. “What do you think of that number. Kare!” he asked her smoothly. He was still calm. Collected. Confident
She ventured to look at the number in question, and she nearly tumbled off her chair. “That. That’s a ridiculous number,” she stammered, her mind hardly able to comprehend a number of that caliber.
“That’s your projected salary, should you fill the position as the new Head of Public Relations,” Rylan explained to her in adapted
She gawked at him. Taken aback. Confused.
“You This You want me in a position like that?” she squeaked, her eyes wide and her mouth agape.
the same silky
same silky tone he had
Kylan regarded her with yet more amusement. “Why are you surprised You earned this, Kate. You earned this far more than anyone else I could possibly try and think to take over this position. Ross Corporation is where it is today because of you. Because you believed in me. Because you believed in my vision, in Ryan’s vision. Because you helped take charge when the stocks were falling. Because you pushed for and helped negotiate the contract with Elorde Enterprises” Kylan shook his head and sighed at her. “You’ve been here for nearly three and a half years, guiding me, far more than I ever guided you. You’ve taken my shit, all of it, and you did it with a smile on your face. There is no one more qualified, nor more capable of handling the overall publicity of Ross Corporation than you.”
She opened her mouth to protest, and Kylan glared at her. “Don’t, Katrina. This has nothing to do with you being my.. my girlfriend. This has everything to do with your work ethic, your abilities, and your long list of qualifications. You’ve shown you’re capable.” He paused and ran a hand down his face. “While I want to keep you on as my assistant, I understand why that’s not. Why that wouldn’t be appropriate, as you’ve pointed out several times since continuing with her resignation. But this! It’s a.. you know, compromise, or whatever. A compromise that also helps you further your career, and it gives you the raise you’re damn well deserving of
Katrina had never heard Kylan speak such open praise to she quite like this. He believed in her, just as much as she believed in him,
She looked at the contract, skimming over the pages and progressively becoming more emotional as she did.
Kylan believed in her. He believed in her so much; he wanted her to spearhead the public image of his company. The company that she now kitew, now understood, just what it meant to him. She knew the personal ties, the heartbreaking reason he had created Ross Corporation in the first place and he trusted her to keep that vision alive and possible for the public to understand as well.
It was a lot to process. A lot to consider.
And yet, it was an easy decision to make, really.
She could stay at Ross Corp. She could put boundaries in place with Kylan. It could work in tandem, and Kylan had just shown her how
“Does this mean I get a bigger office!” she teased, sniffling a bit as warm liquid invaded her eyes.
And damn, if Kylan didn’t flash her the most beautiful smile. He was at her side in an instant, drawing her up from her chair and hugging her to him, one hand pressed to her hair and the other around her waist
“Katrina. You’ll take the job? You’ll stay at Ross Corp. Kylan sounded most unlike himself as he spoke into her neck.
paused, pulling away from him a bit
She returned his embrace, determination flowing through her. “I will. Of course, I will,” she laughed and then p to look at him. “It’s really not because we’re together, right?” she couldn’t help but seek more reassurance.
Kylan rolled his eyes at her. “When have you ever known in to be a sucker like that, Kate? This is all you. All you and what you’re capable of.” He gave her the exact comfort she was in need of
Katrina nodded and but the inside of her cheek. “I know we’re at work, but can 1. Can I kiss you, Kylan? I think if the public were privy to this conversation, they would. Well, they would most definitely approve of a kiss.” She looked up at him from beneath her lashes, a smile on her face.
Kylan hummed, pressing his forehead to hers. “Don’t let Max see, though,” he murmured, angling his head down and sealing her lips with his
She melted into the kiss, happiness, relief, and surprise all ascending through her.
She withdrew a moment later, keeping her forehead against has. “I have a marketing job to turn down, Sir” she breathed against his lips.
Rylan practically growled, holding her to him possessively. “Yes, you do.” With that, he kissed her again, this time with more fervor and heat than
Max definitely wouldn’t approve of this.
She couldn’t find is within herself to care, though. Not while Kylan kissed her like she was the only thing th
that mattered to him.
Two M
Months Later
“Run the article, Nikki. She pressed two fingers to either side of her forehead, willing the headache to vacate her tired mind.
“Are you sure? It’ll be controversial, Ross Corp, expanding to the military. Did you get Mr. Ross to agree to the live interview in a few weeks?”
She bit back a sigh, her eyes fixed on her phone. “Yes, he’s agreed to do it if Mr. Hughes is there as well. I’ve been in contact with him too, and he’s on board,” she explained with as much patience as she could muster.
It had been an especially long week, and she was more than ready to curl up with Kylan and just be with him.
More and more, he was her haven. Her safe space. Her shelter from the storms of life.
She moved into her position with an ease she could only attest to Kylan and Ryan’s confidence in her. It was nice, really. Being in a new department having the boundaries she needed with Rylan, but still working with him. Still going to lunch with him and sneaking in visits whenever either of them could
Vincent himself transitioned into the company rather seamlessly, she had to admit. He hardly asked her for guidance, not since the second week he started with Ross Corp. Rylan tolerated him well enough, and one might venture to say he even liked having Vince around, though he would be hard pressed to admit that.
Vince had a no–nonsense approach to things that Kylan could respect, and it was the very reason she knew he was perfect for the position, in the first place
Beyond that. Aaron had finally come around to the idea of accepting Kylan into the fold, only after she went on several begrudging double dates with him and Maine. Kylan was never very social in those moments, but he indulged them for her sake, and she was grateful.
He was still attending therapy three days a week, and the difference in both his confidence and overall demeanor, was nothing short of wonderous
To the outside world, he was mostly the same person he always had been. He was still cold, still stoic, still emotionless to the naked ey
But to her? To her, he was different. Soft. Communicative. Kind. Sweet So very sweet
He tried his best to talk to her, to include her in his thoughts, in his journey. It wasn’t perfect, and he continued to hesitate more often than not, bur it was more than her thought him capable of months ago.
He listened when she talked to him, when she leaned on him for support.
And lean
him, she did.
Because Oscar was. He wasn’t better. Not yet. And hex wouldn’t be, not any time soon.
This week had been long for the sole reason that Oscar had. He had an accident, a few days ago.
He was still working for Ross Corporation, despite her many protests that he rest. He had driven her to work on Wednesday, just as he typically did
upon arriving…. He collapsed when he opened her door to help her out of the SUV.
Kylan hadn’t been with her, and she wasn’t able to support Oscar’s body weight and catch him before he hit the ground. Thankfully, he was physically unscathed, save for a bit of road rash on his chin. But it was evident that he wasn’t fit to be working in any capacity, let alone driving.
She called for an ambulance, hysterical and terrified while she waited, her hands grasping onto Oscar
Oxcar who was cold. Much too cold for the beginning of March.
He was normally so steadfast, so immovable, so rock solid. Seeing him on the ground, helpless and shivering. It jarred her. It broke her
That entire day while she wanted to know if Oscar was okay, if his life wasn’t in immediate danger, was the longest day of her life to date.
She didn’t initially lean on Kylan then, though. She knew the situation would likely be triggering for him, and she didn’t want to be the reason he had any sort of setback with his healing.
leamed what happened.
on being there as soon as he le
Despite her efforts to keep him as far removed from the situation as she could, he insisted on bei
That in and of itself, proved to her just how far Kylan had come, and she was beyond grateful that he was there for her. That he was able to hold her hand, to comfort her while she cried and be the une to dry her tears
She stayed with Kylan at his home Wednesday night, just as she did more and more often lately, and she fell asleep in his arms. Listening to the steady, grounding rhythm of his beautiful heart.
Chapter 92
It was all she needed. It was home.
With Oscar in the hospital, Kylan all but forced him to retire. To take the financial help that Rylan was insistent on offering him
He wanted to foot every medical bill, every medication, and every comfort item or indulgence that would help Oscar make it through this damn storm he was facing.
Kylam was a good person. He still struggled to believe her when she would remind him as much, but she paid him no mind. No mind at all. every Cume she told him how wonderful he was.