Chapter 112
“Antonio, aren’t we going home?” Zabelle asked when they didn’t take the turning that led to the mansion.
I want to meet with someone, we’ll go home afterwards.” Antonio told her, and the smile that appeared on her lips warmed his heart.
The drive into town was peaceful, the tension from the evening slowly fading.
Antonio drove with one hand on the wheel, and Zabelle couldn’t help but fawn about how hot he looked, especially as she could see the veins on
his arms.
It had to be illegal for someone to look this good! She thought to belf.
“You’re drooling,” she suddenly heard him say to her, and her eyes widened with embarrassment as she moved to touch the side of her mouth to wipe it off.
However, she didn’t feel anything and when she turned to look at Anton;
Hissing under her breath, she decided to look outside the window so she he had a grin on his face as he tried to control his laughter.
After some time, they parked outside a building, and she turned to face him.
“I’m going to get a file from someone in there. Will you come with me?” He asked
“I’m fine here, you go ahead.” she told him.
I have to deal with him.
ne shook her head.
“I won’t be long.” Antonio got out of the car and Zabelle watched him go into the building. she brought it out to check why.
She saw that she had received a text from an unknown number, and she frowned, as that
soon as he was out of sight, her phone vibrated,
Upon clicking on it, the frown deepened when she realized that it was from Jeremy. “Zabelle, I know you probably don’t want to hear from me, but I need to talk to you. It’s important. I’m in town. Let me know when you’re
Her heart raced as she stared at the message. Jeremy. It had been months since she’d stopped paying attention to him on every platform, yet here he was, making his way back into her life.
How did he even get her number? She wondered as her fingers hovered over the screen, debating whether to delete the message or reply.
Her thoughts spiraled. What could Jeremy possibly have to say now? Hadn’t he caused enough damage
It was still puzzling to her as to how he came to be in the haunted house when she hadn’t noticed him at the entrance.
Had he been following her? But he appeared to already have been there before they got there.
Zabelle took a deep breath in order to get herself to stay calm.
This was probably another one of his attempts to mess with her head, to pull her back into the chaos she had fought so hard to escape.
She was happy that Antonio had believed her when she said nothing happened, and if she responded to Jeremy’s
She glanced at the building Antonio had entered, hoping he would return quickly.
Cxt, that wouldn’t be good.
As much as she hated to admit it, his presence grounded her and made her feel safe. Her phone buzzed again, another text from the same number.
“Don’t trust Antonio, Zabelle. He’s not who you think he is. I can prove it. Just agree to meet me, you can even pick the location.”
Anger flared within her, which pushed the initial wave of fear aside.
Jeremy had no right to insinuate anything about Antonio, let alone talk to her about trust when he had broken hers.
That cock–and–bull story he told her was a lie, and she was sure of it.
Jeremy wasn’t someone who could be threatened, and there were ways he could have contacted her.
She would have believed him if she wasn’t around Antonio and seen how the world of the rich worked.
Dreame–Read Romance Stories
3:52 PM
Chapter 112
She wasn’t going to dignify his text with a response and give him an opening to try to drag her into his web of lies again.
However, as she thought about it, doubt began to creep into her mind, but Zabelle shook her head, determined to rid of such thoughts. Agreed, they hadn’t started off on a great foot, but Antonio had been nothing but kind, protective, and caring.
He wasn’t perfect–no one was, but he had never given her a reason to doubt him.
Even when he was a jerk to her, he made it clear that it was his intention.
Her thumb hovered over the screen as she was tempted to reply and tell Jeremy to leave her alone, but she stopped herself.
Engaging with him, even to shut him down, would only give him what he wanted: her attention.
Instead, she blocked the number, just as Antonio’s tall figure emerged from the building.
He carried a slim folder in one hand as his eyes were on his phone as he made his way to the car.
As he opened the car door and slid back into the driver’s seat, he glanced at ho
expression on her face.
“Everything okay?” He probed when he noticed the annoyed
She forced a smile, slipping her phone back into her bag. “Yeah, I just read an annoying take on an app,” she said.
Antonio didn’t look entirely convinced, but he let it go, and she heaved a sigh of relie “Ready to head home?”
“Yes, please,” she replied, her voice steadier than she felt.
as she would have spilled everything if he had pushed.
As Antonio started the car, and they pulled away from the curb, Zabelle stared out the window, her thoughts racing.
She told herself she had done the right thing, that Jeremy’s words didn’t matter.
But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake the unease settling in her chest.
Her life felt perfect and that was what made her unsettled, as that never lasted long.
When they arrived at the mansion, the moon had already risen, and Antonio headed straight for their room.
By the time Zabelle got there, she saw he had changed his clothes, but there were still outing clothes.
“Are you going out?” She asked him and he nodded.
“I have a business meeting,” he told her.
“Yeah,” Antonio responded.
“Make sure you have dinner,” he told her, and she nodded. That was all he said to her before turning and walking
Zabelle looked around the empty room, and she sighed as she wondered what business meeting Antonio had at 4
Seeing as he didn’t talk about it, she assumed it was because he didn’t want to share, and that only made her feel uneasy.
Damn Jeremy and his stupid text as she considered it the reason why she was thinking this way.