Chapter 141
Chapter 141
The dimly lit basement reeked of dampness and despair. The air was stale, and it was obvious from the sight that it hadn’t been cleaned in years despite someone being there.
This chains randed softly as the captive shifted, the sound echoing in the silence.
His eyes were full of rage, and his blood boiled with a thirst for revenge against Gabriel Pierce.
He had been planning this moment for weeks.
The chains binding his arms and legs were thick and hard to escape from but, like the state of the room, it had not been changed in years and it was
The captive squinted his eyes when he saw shadows from underneath the basement door.
The guards stationed outside the basement door were always alert, watching him to ensure he didn’t escape..
They rotated in shifts, always in pairs, always armed. However, they had turned sloppy as they believed there was no way he could escape from
And that was going to be e their biggest mistake, the fact that they underestimated him
He leaned back against the cold, stone wall, feigning exhaustion as he gave the chains a subtle tug. Over time, he had worked one of the bolts loose from its anchor in the wall. It wasn’t enough to free him completely, but it gave him just enough range of motion to maneuver his hand closer to
has ankle chain.
There was a small shard of metal all thanks to the basement that was falling apart. He didn’t know where it had come from, but it was just what he needed.
He shifted, carefully holding the shard, and began working on the ankle cuff.
His movements were slow, deliberate, and calculated, ensuring that the faint scraping of metal against metal wouldn’t draw the attention of the guards upstairs
Minutes felt like hours as the shard scraped against the aged lock. Swear beaded on his brow, but he refused to give up, as this was the only glimpse of hope he had
- r. His ankle was free.
After what felt like forever, the lock gave a faint click, and his heart surged with adrenaline while his eyes widened in horror.
He quicklyn
moved to his wrist, repeating the process. The shard wasn’t sharp enough, but desperation gave him strength. His fingers trembled as he continued, while his breathing turned heavier and heavier.
“Yes!” He jubilated inwardly as both wrists were now unbound, but the heavy chains on his legs remained. He had no time to waste. The captive looked at the shard, and he knew there was no way it would be able to free the heavy chain on his leg. It was time for Plan B. He closed his eyes and said his prayers as if it didn’t work, they would replace the chains and all his hard work would go down the drain, “Here goes nothing”
He let out a low groan, loud enough for the guards to hear but soft enough to be mistaken for a man in pain. He then followed it with a series of deliberate grunts, increasing in volume and urgency.
Footurps shuffled above as he saw the shadow stop right in front of the basement door. “What’s that?” one voice muttered.
“Probably just him groaning again, the second guard replied dismissively.
“No, that sounded different. Like something’s wrong.”
The first guard cursed under his breath “Fine, let’s check it out”
Two guard, there were two guards today, the captive made at
a mental count as be prepared hänselfi
The basement door creaked open, and the sound of boots descending the wooden stairs filled the air.
Chapter 141
He shumped against the wall, his hands strategically positioned behind his back to give the illusion that he was still res
His breathing was laboured, and he made sure to pretend as though he were on the brink of collapse.
The guards stepped closer and he observed them. One was tall and bulky, carrying a semi–automatic pistol at his hip.
The other was leaner
er but just as armed, his sharp eyes scanning the room suspiciously.
“What’s wrong with you the taller guard barked, stepping even closer
“Water.” he rasped, his body trembling and his voice hoarse. “Please_”
“The boss doesn’t want you fou comfortable, so no,” The leaner guard neered, enjoying his state.
yone took another step closer, his hand resting on his weapon. “Something doesn’t seem right.”
The Inilky
“Exactly,” the captive mattered under his be
In a flash, he lunged forward, his freed hands gripping the taller guard’s wrist.
The sudden movement caught them off guard, and before the man could react, the captive twisted his arm sharply, forcing him to drop the gun.
Pain exploded across the guard’s face as the captive followed up with a brutal knee to the stomach, sending him crumpling to the ground.
The lean guard moved quickly, drawing his weapon, but the captive was faster. He grabbed the gun which had fallen, and he aimed it with deadly precision.
Was one
Just because he had been captured for many years didn’t mean he forgot his training or stopped. Training himself while he was down there w of those things that kept him from completely losing his mind,
“Don’t even think about it, he growled, his voice cold.
The lean guard hesitated, his gun half–raised. His eyes flickered between his partner groaning on the floor and the captive, who was holding a gun
“Drop it,” the captive ordered, cocking the gun to show he wasn’t playing
The guard obeyed, letting his weapon fall to the ground. The captive kicked it away, his eyes never leaving the two men.
“You’re going to regret this, the bulky guard snarled through gritted teeth.
“Doubt it,” the captive replied coolly before pulling the trigger. The gunshot echoed through the basement as the bulky guard collapsed, lifeless. The lean guard froze in terror, his hands raised.
“Give me the keys before I blow your brains out, the captive ordered, nodding toward the ring of keys attached to the lean guard’s belt.
“No, even if you shoot me, you won’t be able to reach me and when the new guards come the man was unable to finish his words as the captive aimed and shot him in the legs which made him fall to the ground.
kay, I’ll give your” The man moved slowly, trembling as he unhooked the keys and handed them over.
The captive snatched them, keeping the gun trained on the guard as he unlocked the remaining chains on his legs
The moment he was free, he stood, towering over the cowering guard. “Run,” he said simply.
The guard didn’t need to be told twice. He bolted up the stairs, but the captive was faster as before he could make it out the door, he shot the guard
in the back
He pocketed the gun and grabbed the second weapon from the floor, arming himself before sprinting up the stairs.
It was
was harder than expected as he hadn’t really used his legs in years, but the adrenaline made it happen.
He needed to get out th
out there before anyone showed up.
He managed to make a to the living room and without waiting time, he turned the handle, and for a heart–stopping moment, it wouldn’t budge
A soft curse escaped his lips as he fumbled with the deadbolt, his fingers slick with sweat. The lock finally clicked, and he flung the door open, the enol night air hitting him like a slap
He didn’t stop to savour it. He sprinted into the darkness, his heart pounding as he put as much distance as possible between himself and
the house.
He was free.
For the first time in years, he was free!