A laugh escaped my lips Ch 44

A laugh escaped my lips Ch 44

Chapter 44 

Alessia Guzman 

Russo spends the evening going over gun training with me. I now have a gun in my bedroom, in my bathroom, a gun that I needed to carry everywhere with me, along some spots in the house where guns are lying around just in case

Well, I was no longer expecting a baby because this arrangement wouldn’t have been childsafe

I listened quietly to everything Russo had to say. Handling guns are a big fucking deal. At least I know how to aim and shoot, so I’ve gotten that part locked down

way. Lea 

Leonardo soon came back and I decided to make myself scarce. They probably have a lot to discuss and I don’t want to get in the way. I however, studies me with those long lashes and dark eyes, like he’s analyzing me under a microscope

But I don’t let up on how I’m feeling. Russo will most likely tell him that I’m fine anyway

Something twists and churns in my stomach whenever he looks at me like that. I wish he didn’t have to live this kind of dangerous lifestyle. I wish he didn’t have to look like a man who would ruin my life hut in fact, I want him to ruin every part of me

I shut myself away in my bedroom and placed my gun on the bedside table. When I flopped down onto the bed, I glanced up at the ceiling and just stared

Breathing in and out 

My phone vibrates on the bedside table and I take it up to look at the caller ID. I almost choked when I recognized the number flashing across my skin. Even though I had deleted it, that number was forever etched in my memory

It takes me a moment to process what’s happening. I debate declining the call but a part of me wants to hear what he has to say, I deserve that at 

In the over one year I’ve been gone, this is the first time he’s called me. Not even a text message to wish me a happy birthday. Knowing him, 1 shouldn’t even be surprised

My darkpainted fingernails pressed the answer button and I sucked in a breath. Hello!” 

Alessia, my baby. How are you? It’s Dad.” 

I don’t say anything for a few seconds. No words came out of my mouth as my brows furrowed at his preppy tone

How am I?I asked a litle breathlessly 

Lissen, Dad, I don’t know what gave you the impression that you can just call me for the first time in over a year and think that everything is just fine.” 

He cured to himself. Oh, Alessia, I’m so sorry. Everything has just been so hectic around here. With Russo and Anthonio gone most of the time, it’s been twice the work to keep the gang running.” 

So what’s your excuse?I spat out. Oh Al. don’t be mad 

Don’t be mad?I raise my voice. I found myself standing up from the bed. I began pacing from the blood that was rushing through my body out of sheer rage 

ever even wanted to do, no matter how crappy you treated me. I guess you’re happy now that

You forced me to decide to run away, something I never even ended up right where you wanted me to. Right?” 

My dad heaves out a low sigh. It’s not 

It’s exactly like that, dad.” 

He was silent for a few moments. My dad is rarely ever silent. He’s always got something to say, I was beginning to wonder if he was alright

You remind me so much of your mother. He said softly

You don’t get to pull that crap on me,” I grumble harshly. I wish you could’ve at least pretended that you loved me. It would’ve made growing up a lot easier” 

Tears sprung to my eyes and I wish he didn’t make me so upset. I hate crying. I hate feeling this heaviness in your chest and the tightness in your 


Chapter 41 


I don’t want to talk to you right now.I shake my head, not trusting my voice not to crack if I talk for a second longer


When I clicked off the phone, I resisted the urge to throw it at the nearest wall but I knew If I did, my anger and frustration would’ve won. It would be nearly as bad as shedding a tear for a man who doesn’t respect his children or their wishes for life

I crawl into bed a few moments later, closing my eyes and wishing for nothing but a dreamless night 

Leonardo De Luca 

Alessia barely looks at me when I come home. Russo watches her leave as she takes the stairs up to her room. I study the back of her hair as it begins to sway but she doesn’t look over her shoulder

How’s she?I asked as I shrugged off my jacket and signaled to Guila to make something for dinner

Russo nods. She’s okay.He says. Went over some basic gun training with her. I sold her she needs to keep a gun on her at all times just like we do because whether she believes it or not, she’s one of us now. It isn’t what I want for her but I don’t trust Landon not to make a move on her.” 

When I slid into the seat opposite him, I did nothing but nod. She might act like she has a tough shell but we all know that Landon doesn’t look like the friendliest of people. There’s just this evil glint in his eyes that can make anyone feel unseuled 

What the fuck was Landon even chatting about anyway?Russo asked.. 

I raised my hand, waving it off angrily. He’s fucking bluffing. No one is running their mouths. I think he’s just trying to scare us. He thinks he’s got one up on us because of the issue with Rizzo and Gabriel and now he’s trying to boy with us” 

Russo pushes up the sleeves of his shin. How can you be so sure!” 

Because that’s what he does. He makes statements with no evidence or information to back it up. He’s just trying to overrule us. I’ve known him for a long time. Russo. He’s not trustworthy and we need to be cautious about him. I don’t know what his plan is but we need to find that out as soon as possible.I said, speaking in a low tone

Why can’t we just get another business companion?Russo asked, sliding his hand through his hair

I know he’s asking this rhetorically because we both know that we can’t just ditch Landon and find some other ways to bring in income. It just doesn’t work like that. Gang culture doesn’t work like that. We aren’t talking about my restaurant right now. That was just a foot I used to cover up my source of income anyway

We’ll never be able to drop him.” I grit my teeth at the same time my fists begin to clench

Russo presses his hand on his forehead and curses. What’s going on, boss? Things have never been this complicated before” 

My stomach flips at the aroma coming from the kitchen. I may own a restaurant of my own but Guila’s cooking always reminds me of my mum’s cooking

We’ll get back on track. We always do.I said to Russo. And Landon?” 

I guess we’ll have to see. Nothing might ever be resolved. Not until one of us dies first and it’s not gonna be me.” 

Russo clasps his hands together in front of him. Have you heard from Anthonio?” 

He’s sending me some reports soon.I nod 

Took him long enough.” 

I was thinking of starting training with Alessia tomorrow and then we could take it in turns.” 

Russo said and I flicked my eyes over to him at the mention of Alessia. We already discussed training her because she’s going to need it. She might be able to sim and shoot a gun but if she can’t defend herself up close, she might as well be dead anyway

You’re okay with that right?” 

I nod. Ill work it around my schedule



2:44 PM |

Chapter 41 

Alright I know she’ll be a good student.” 

A good student

Does he even know his sister at all

I knew I was signing up for another hell of a banter. It’s always back and forth with her and I’m beginning to get sick and tired of it all

Don’t worry,I smirk to myself. I can handle her. I’m the teacher afterall.” 

Russo opens his mouth to speak but Guila presents herself. Would you like some salad with your dinner Mr Luca!” 

Sure, Guila,I nodded and she dismissed herself

I gotta go and look up some stuff for the next shipment.Russo drags himself up from his chair. My head bows in his direction. All good” 


A laugh escaped my lips

A laugh escaped my lips

Status: Ongoing


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