Chapter 45
Leonardo De Luca
The next morning. I head downstairs, ready for a day of endless paperwork. Hoping that Landon decides to stay away and not pay another uninvited visit, that son of a bitch.
I made myself some coffee with the coffee machine and glanced outside the large patio doors that looked over the crystal still lake. My eyes found Alessia as she sat outside the table with a laptop
My eyes glance at the wall. It’s barely eight o’clock. What’s she doing up by this time!
1 wrapped my fingers around my white coffee mug and made my way towards the door. I haven’t spoken to her since she waltzed into my bedroom the other night like the sexy vixen she was Just thinking about it made my cock twitch for some reason.
She’s been acting a bit strange ever since and I’m not sure if she wants me in her presence right now but I don’t care. This is still my house…
1 slide open
n the door and she glances up at me. She blinked once, then twice, and then said nothing as she focused back on her laptop.
“You put up a good from yesterday,” I said. I’m pretty sure I saw her back stiffen at my compliment. And yes, it was a compliment
Not many girls would remain as calm as she wi
*But bring like that could’ve gotten you killed, you know.”
Alessia frowns deeply, looking up, brown hair slipping down her cheeks. “I’m sure you wanted me to act scared and run for the hills because that’s the only thing I’m known for.
I chew on the inside of my cheek. “Were you?”
She’s lying. She’s lying.
I remember how she sucked in a sigh of relief when Landon finally turned away from her yesterday.
- y. She might be too proud to admit it to me but she should at least admit it to herself before her pride gets her murdered.
Being careful with the coffee in my hands, I lean on the hinge of the door. “I don’t understand this tough girl act you’ve got going on but you should understand that this is serious.”
“Alessia’s eyes shine but she backs down from whatever she was going to say, pushing her back into the chair. She drops her eyes from mine to the table.
“I know that he’s made me a target, hasn’t he?” she said after a few passing moments
My hand tightens around the coffee mug so hard I thought I was gonna break it. “He would have to get through me to get to you. And getting through to me is very highly impossible. I just want you to be able to defend yourself too. We’re not taking any chances”
Alessia sighed as she pressed a hand on the table and glanced up at me again, brown eyes showing a line sign of fear in them, and a part of me wanted to gather her up in my arms comfortingly.
“If what everything my day has been saying is true, I guess I’ve been a target my whole life.”
She mumbles, drawing her legs closer to her chest, the chill from the air catching her tan skin. “I shouldn’t be new to me.”
I stayed leaning against the door frame and kept my eyes closely on her.
“With the guns, the Russo has given you and series of training to be able to fight and defend yourself,” I say slowly. “Everything should be fine. Landon will keep his distance.”
Alessia breathes a short puff of air through her nose “Will he! He seemed pretty serious when he said that he’d shoot me dead right there.”
“And neither Russo, Anthonio nor I would let him do anything to harm you. That’s why we’re taking these precautions because we need you to be prepared if anything happens, anything at all.”
Euro Check–in
Chapter 15
This time. Alessia flashes a small smile. “When are we training then? Probably best to start sooner than later.”
“Were in
training tomorrow,” I said. “You’ve got Russo today but I’ll do tomorrow and then we’ll sort out a schedule and a plan from then”
She just nodded and I was beginning to realize that I don’t know much about her apart from the driven lust for her that controls my body.
“Eight o’clock.”
“In the morning?” She raised a brow.
“Got a problem with that I copied her action.
She sucks in a breath and nods. “No.” She rasps. “Of course not”
I leaned away from the door, taking a large sip of my coffee. Alessia’s eyes gravitated to my throat as I swallowed and I saw a pink tinge cascade across her nose and cheeks but she pushed her hair in front of her face and looked away.
“Eight o’clock, down in the basement,” I say again. “Make sure to bring lots of water because you’re going to need it”
Alessia Jums to me one last time, nodding back at me in understanding
There’s only so much tension that can be added to the air along with exercising and being so close to someone and touching them.
A part of me is preparing for the torture.
Alessia Guzman It’s safe to say than Leonardo trains a lot harder than Russo.
The first session with my brother was calm and collected. Training with Leonardo felt like running barefoot through hell. We’ve had two sessions ever since and today would be my third with the mafia boss
He sounded so dominant and authoritative which was so annoying but I decided to focus on the actual job at hand. I needed to learn how to defend myself.
He’s pushed me to limits that I didn’t even know 1 could achieve. When he tells me to kick, I kick
After my second session with him, I feh sick with the tension that was flying across the room.
But being stuck alone with him for two hours is good enough as torture. Those green eyes that always seem to hold me hostage, his thick grave voice that shouts demands at me, make my body want to naturally impress him.
But I keep telling myself that avoiding him is for my benefit. Tomorrow I’ll train with Russo and it’ll give me a chance to cool off.
God knows I fucking need to cool off
To make things worse, I’ve just woken up from one of the most delicious and mouth–watering dreams, my body’s way of reminding me that it wanted to get haid again. By him
My mind is always haunted with visions of him powering over me, tasting me, taking me.
Fuck. I need to stop.
My head
rotates to my phone and I press the screen. Thirty minutes until training with Leonardo starts, I groan and ignore the pressure between my thighs. I’ll have to deal with it later in the shower,
I got dressed in black fitted leggings, a black sports bra, and a thin top. I quickly grab an apple downstairs before heading to the basement where they organized a training room. I still didn’t know why we couldn’t just train in the equipped gym upstairs.
“You’re late” Leonardo’s voice snaps across the room.
Yeah, because I was busy daydreaming about wanting your dick in me, I thought Okay. Something is wrong with me.
My gaze floated to him and he was wearing a tight–fitting shirt. The underline of his rock–hard abs was quite visible underneath the shirt, that’s how tight it is to his skin. I suck in a breath, wondering how I’d get through this session without ripping him apart.
I quickly found his eyes again, away from that body that was hell–bent on destroying me.
My eyebrows dip, creating a scowl. “No, I’m not”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
Robin Check–in
Chapter 151
1 don’t miss the way his expression changes into something dark
“It’s eight.”
in you’re late”
He raises his wrist to look at his watch and narrows his eyes. “It’s three minutes past, which means you’re
I rolled my eyes in mockery and I bunched my hair up into a ponytail. I watched as his eyes followed the action as I strapped it with a hair band. “I’m here now, aren’t I?”
His gaze narrows. “Don’t be late again. It’s eating into my own time.” Is he seriously cranky because I was a mere three minutes late?!
1 was about to voice that out loud but decided to let it go. “Alright,” I said under a hushed breath. “I won’t be late again.”
“Let’s pick up from where we left off the other day.” He steps closer. “You’ve got weak legs. Your legs are one of your best weapons when it comes to a fight and you have almost zero muscle.”
Weak legst I bet he
bet he didn’t think they were weak when I wrapped them around him.
“Zero” I recoiled.
He ignores me and turns away, grabbing two pads to slide on his hands and he holds them up to his shoulders
-Combinations with your feet, let’s go.”
For an hour, he drilled me into the ground, almost literally. I am covered from head to toe in sweat, kicking, punching.
“Harder, harder.” He yells at me.
My teeth grit down into one another and I look up at him, heaving to catch my breath.
I hit the pad with my foot hard but he shakes his head. “I said fucking harder, not softer I almost growl at his words. Those deep green eyes are fixed to mine. “I’m not weak.” Then hit me fucking harder!”
A low scream escaped the back of my throat as I swung my leg into the pad, putting all my anger and frustration in one single kick.
I know it was way harder than all my other attempts because even Leonardo’s hand flinches from the impact
And I stood there staring at him with a satisfied smirk on my face.