A laugh escaped my lips Ch 65

A laugh escaped my lips Ch 65

Chapter 65 

Alessia Guzman 


I was quite stunned to speak so Russo continued. We’ve come to realize that this place might not be the safest for you. If we moved you somewhere that’s unknown, and secluded but filled with security and guards, things might be better for you. So you can be independent like I know you want to be. Also, Isabella wouldn’t mind moving in anywhere with you.” 

So he’s been listening to my constant whining

My fists grip the covers tighter

We thought we could guarantee your safety here but there’s justa lot of things going on right now and I know you wouldn’t want to go back to Father and Anthonio, that’s why we’ll move you and Isa to a place that just me and Leonardo knows about. We’ll always check up and even assign a bodyguard.He says softly

I still didn’t say anything and Russo sighs

Think about it.” He says after a few moments

This time. I’m ready to do whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy but I also want you to feel safe and comfortable.” 

The room turned silent again and soon enough, Russo stood up to leave 

as gone

You should eat something. Al. You need to get your strength up And then he was 

I closed my eyes and quickly. I drifted off into a dreamless sleep, Even though my stomach is growling painfully, I don’t think I can stomach anything right now

After a few hours of sleep, I woke up only to start picking at the food Russo brought up and then, I took another nap

I woke up to find myself panting, I don’t remember having any dreams but I just knew that I had been in this room for a long time and I needed to get our

My windpipe feels like it’s been crushed and I couldn’t stand being in here for a second longer

I pushed off the covers and stumbled to the door, desperate to grab my coat and head outside for some fresh air. Anything that doesn’t require being inside my room 

My hands fumbled with the coats on the hanger, multiple falling off at once and I cursed to myself. If not for it was beyond freezing outside, and I know that I’d probably have gone into more shock if I had stepped outside with just my pajamas, especially after being in a warm bed all night and day. I’d have abandoned the idea of getting a coat

I located the nearest coat and shoved it into my arms, stumbling into the wall. I leaned forward for the door handle


Leonardo’s voice floats from the top of the stairs and I can’t even look over at him because tears have now clouded my vision I’m pretty much wheezing at this point

What’s going on?” 

I think I’m having a panic attack what’s going on

Now he’s at my side and he grips my arm and when I turn to look at him, his eyes roamed my face


AKS 79%

Chapter 65 

1-11 gasp need to go outoutside. Air. Fresh air.” 

Alright. Alright.” He’s dressed down in a suit, no doubt working late. Although I know neither of them left the house today, Leonardo just likes dressing up for some unknown reasons

I glanced into his mesmerizing green eyes. A walk. 1-1 want to go for a walk

He drags his eyes down my attire and frowns. Bare legs and a coat that barely got to my thighs. I watched him as he walked across the room to grab two pairs of shoes. My kneehigh flat boots I had borrowed from Isabella and his shoes. Put these 

I don’t protest. I slide them on and Leonardo taps away on his phone quickly. We exit the house and walk around the back. only for two guards to follow behind us but far enough that it doesn’t seem like they are stalking us. As soon as the fresh cool air hits my lungs, it’s like I can breathe again

I have no idea what happened after I woke up from my nap but felt like I was trapped in a trance and was forced to remember what happened last night. But I shook these thoughts off and focused on my breathing

Leonardo watched me out of the corner of his eye as we approached the lake. It has now frozen over because the temperature has plummeted. I barely feel the cold but that’s because I already feel so numb

We shouldn’t stay out here for long.He comments as we pause by the edge of the lake. You’ll freeze out here, anymore.” 

I chewed on my lower lip and glanced across the frozen block ofce. So beautiful

One thing I love about living here is how beautiful everything around it is. I remember the first time I saw it and how speechless I was. I could only imagine how stunning it would be in spring

I huffed out a large sigh, relieved that my breathing had returned to normal but now the thought of going back to sleep in that room twists my stomach in knots

Are you okay?” 

Leonardo’s voice tears my eyes away from the lake and towards his worrystricken eyes

1 studied him for a long moment. When I look at him now, his ptures have softened so much more than when I first met hon 

He’s like a different man. Part of me doesn’t want to know how igneone as violent and brutal as him could ever have a warm heart but deep down I know he has a good heart

Leonardo stepped closer and I could feel his body heat radiating towards me but he kept his hands to himself. My neck tilts so that I can keep my eyes on him, watching, admiring 

Why did you tell me not to make you leave last night?I whispered through the air

His brow creases and he straightens his spine. He shifts from our foot to another and buries his hands deeper into his coat, not once taking his gaze off mine

1 part my lips which are tingling from the temperature. Do you care about me?” 

You know I care about you, anymore. How can you even ask me that?” 

My eyes glanced down for a split second before his warm fingerslipped beneath my chin and tilted my head back up, his face now closer than it was before. He took a shuddering breath and licked his eyes between mine slowly

I don’t know what this is between us,he admits, his voice grave But I know it’s something.” 

A laugh escaped my lips

A laugh escaped my lips

Status: Ongoing


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