Chapter 66
On the other side, I esclan couldn’t sit still, and Mona was struggling to keep op. His mom had left him in her care for the day while the can some errands, but that wasn’t enough to keep him from bouncing around. The open yand muture called to him like an invitation he couldn’t refuse and he was so bored without Lucio, because he’s meditating and was asleep the whole day. With no one directly watching, he darted out, ready to explore every inch
It didn’t take long before something caught his eye.
A chicken, its feathers gently riffled by the breeze, was waddling down the street right in front of their house. Lucian’s fare lit up. He’d see chickens before, but this one was special- won’t muck in a coop or behind a fence. It was free, just like he wanted to he
“Chicken” he shouted, bursting into a run after the bird.
startled, the chicken clucked loudly and picked up spred, but Liniary was determined. His lite legs mewed as fast as they could, kicking up clouds of dust behind him as he ragragged across the street, laughing all the way. He barely noticed how far he’d gone, too caught up in the thrill of the chase to remember the from vand rule.
The chicken made a sharp tum, sorrying into a nearby backyard and disappearing through a small gap in a fence. Lurian stopped to carch his breath, his hands on his knees as he stared at the spot where it had vanished. He wiped a sweaty hand across his forehead, pushing back his messy hair With newfound determination, he squeezed through the gap and found himself in someone else’s yard.
was a neat space, lined with flowerbeds and scattered toys. But Lucian didn’t care about any of that his eyes were on the chicken, who was now scratching the ground near a back door, acting like nothing had happened
He crept forward, arms outstretched, ready to catch it, when the back door creaked open. A girl stepped out around his age, with her hair tied ponytail. She raised an eyebrow when she save him.
What are you doing in my yard?” she asked, sounding more curious than angry
Lucian froze, mid–pounce, his hand still in the air. “I was.., chasing that chicken, be stammered, pointing at the bird like it was the most obvious. thing in the world.
The gul crossed her arms. “That’s my chicken. Her name’s Honey?
Lucian blinked. “Honey? That’s a funny name for a chicken.”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s not funny! It’s way
better than just chicken”
Lucian frowned. “I wasn’t trying to take her. I just thought she looked cool. She was walking around all by herself”
Honry, seemingly unfazed, clucked and wandered closer to the girl’s feet. The girl’s expression softened, and she bent down to pet her
“Why were you chasing her?” she asked.
Lucian shrugged. “I’ve never seen a chicken just walking around like that. Most of them are stuck in cages.
The girl smiled a latte, clearly proud of her pet “Honey’s special. She gets to go wherever she wants, but she always comes back”
Lucian looked at her, then back at Honey. Suddenly, he felt a bit embarrassed for having chased her all this way. He scratched the back of his head. “I’m Lucian,” he offered awkwardly, hoping to change the subject.
“I know,” the girl replied, smiling a little. “We go to the same school”
Lucian’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?”
She nodded. “Yeah, but we’re in different classes. I’m Bella
Lucian thought about it for a second. Now that she mentioned it, she did look familiar. “Oh, yeah! I think I’ve seen you before.”
Bella shrugged. “Probably. I don’t talk to a lot of people.”
to run around”
Lucian grinned. “Same! People are so loud. Sometimes I just need to run
Bella smirked. “That’s why you’re here!”
“Pretty much,” Lucian admitted “Granny’s busy, and my mom LOUI know the rest.
I figured I’d go for an
adventure. But then I saw Honey, and well, you
Chapter 66
Bella laughed and stroked Honey’s feathers. “She’s pretty awesome, linho”
Lucian nodded. “Yeah. Can I pet her?”
Bella glanced at him, then at Honey, before giving him a small nod. “Sure”
Lucian stepped closer and reached out cautiously. He was surprised by how soft Honey’s feathers were. The chicken didn’t seem to mind at all. letting both of them give her attention. For a moment, everything was quiet and calm, the excitement of the chase forgotten.
Lucian broke the silence. “So, do you take care of Honey by yourself?”
Bella nodded. “Yeah. My mom’s not feeling well, so I help out. Honey keeps me company.”
Lucian frowned. “That’s a lot of responsibility.”
Bella shrugged, a hint of sadness in her eyes. “It’s just the two of us. But it’s okay–Honey makes things easier.”
Lucian nodded, feeling a strange mix of admiration and guilt. “That’s really cool of you.”
Bella smiled softly. “Thanks”
A beat of silence passed before Lucian’s energy returned. “Hey, maybe I could help out sometimes! I’m not great with chickens, but I’m awesome at running and playing!”
Bella laughed. “Maybe next time you can try catching Honey again.”
Lucian puffed out his chest. “I’ll definitely catch her next time!”
m the distance. Before they could laugh about it more, a sharp voice echoed from
“Lucian! Where are you?!”
es went wide. “Oh no, that’s Granny! I gotta go!”
Lucian’s cyes
Bella giggled. “You’d better hurry before she finds out you’re here.”
Lucian nodded, already backing away. “I’ll see you at school, okay?”
“Okay,” Bella said, waving as he squeezed back through the fence.
Just before running off, Lucian turned one last time. “Maybe I’ll bring something for Honey! Like a treat or something!”
Hella smiled and shook her head. “You don’t have to, but thanks..
With a final wave, Lucian dashed back home, his heart pounding from both the excitement and the scolding he knew was coming. But despite everything, a huge grin spread across his face. Today had been an adventure.
As Lucian disappeared down the street. Bella stood quietly, a soft smile on her face. “I think you made a new friend today. Honey,” she whispered
Honey clucked in agreement, sealing back into Bella’s arms.