- 7.
I felt like I’d been asleep for ages. I had no
dreams, just endless blackness.
When I opened my eyes again, staring at the
white ceiling, I was confused.
A hand waved in front of my face. “You
awake? Sarah? Say something!”
I was still spaced out, so I heard her shout:
“Nurse! Nurse! My girl just had surgery, is she
brain–damaged? Why is she staring into
nothing?! Doctor, come over here!”
My eyes focused, and I finally saw the person
by my bed. “Chloe, this is a hospital, be quiet!
People need to rest!”
Chloe froze. Then, she grinned. “Girl, you
can’t do this to me! Why didn’t you tell any of
us about this? I was so worried!”
I thought for a while, then said, “My head
feels empty. I forgot a lot.”
Chloe freaked out. “Do you know Sophie?
What about Mike? Jane?”
She listed so many names, all of which I
She paused, hesitantly asking, “Do you
remember Mark?”
My eyebrows furrowed. My mind became
I could almost see something.
My face was twisted in agony.
Chloe jumped in, “If you can’t remember,
don’t worry about it! You just woke up, you
I breathed out slowly, giving up, “Mark? |
don’t think I remember him.”
Chloe had a weird look. “That’s fine then.”
“Is he someone important?”
She gave me a weak smile. “No, he’s just
some guy from school. We haven’t talked to
him since we graduated.”
“I was just checking. Okay, let’s move on.”
I nodded slowly. Chloe kept asking, and I kept
I remembered everything, just nothing about
Like Chloe said, he was just a guy we went to
school with, nothing more.