- 9.
The man came after us, grabbing my wrist.
“No! You are gonna explain yourself! You
remember Chloe, why do you not remember
My head started throbbing. I touched my
He relaxed his grip. “I’m sorry, I was being
too pushy.”
Chloe stared him down. “Mark! Will you stop
this now?”
“She just got out. She needs time. Leave her
She gave a dirty look to the woman next to
Mark frowned. “Sarah, I’m Mark, I was your…”
“Enough!” Chloe snapped. “You’re not worth
the conversation!”
She dragged me to the exit. “Sarah, don’t
worry about that crazy woman, she needs to
see a shrink!”
“Sarah!” Mark walked closer but didn’t catch
- up.
I looked back, he looked lost.
After we got in the car, Chloe sighed.
I was still confused, “Mark? Who’s that? |
think I have heard of him.”
After a thought, she gave a bitter smile. “You
wanna know why I mentioned him? Because
that guy was psycho.”
I was shocked, he seemed normal.
Chloe continued. “He was in our school. He
liked you, and you said he was not the one.
So, you tried to stay away.”
I nodded. “A man like that is not someone you
should stick around.”
Chloe gave me a weird glance, “Exactly! He
went crazy because of that!”
“He couldn’t handle it, so he made up lies. He
told everyone that you were his girlfriend, and
then said that he was the one who dumped
“Did you see the girl he was with?”
I nodded. Chloe said “That’s his new girl.
“Can you imagine that? He’s with her and still
tries to grab you. He is definitely a creep.”
It made sense.
I nodded, finally agreeing. “That is a freak.”
“Don’t worry about him. Just ignore him,” she
said. “Run away if you see him.”
“Ok.” I nodded, not noticing her sigh of relief.