Boss CEO Chapter 91

Boss CEO Chapter 91

Chapter 91 

eek, she found a new normal woth kylan. It was unspoken, effortless, spending time with boom With the real ham. The real how that 

talse pretenses. That diba’t use the contract to ibu tate what he could and

She was thankful her relationship morphing into an actual commitment, wasn’t a big deal for either the offer or the general public. For all they 

been together for a few months 

It made for less outsade presure, which in turn helped her and Nolan feel more comfortable in their new rhythm. Especially Kylan, who was coninuing to go to theraps and work through his trauma. I would be a long haul of that she was certain. But the growth she had already seen in 

He wanted this. He wanted better for himself, for her 

was incredibly supportive of their union, and her father really had given his blessing. The hardest person to contence, was perhaps Aaron, rinsisted on remaining overh protective and cautious on her behalf

She couldn’t blame him, of course. She knew she would be acting in a similar fashion, were the roles reversed. Even still, she hoped he would also come around once he continued to see the effort Kylan was making 

She had set up a meeting with the one and orbs carsdidate that she thought might be a decent it to take over as kylan’s stant 

The only problem was. Kylan himself all but refused to talk about it. Or to acknowledge that the was does away from accepting the job offer from the marketing company near her home

He was in denial, and each time she attempted to broach the subject with him, he would grow acitated and shut down 


I didn’t like change, she realized. Not real change, anyway. Not when it involved the people he held closely, which were only her and perhaps 

well. He wasnt even phased by Keith, any time he needed to reschechile or shaft around plans

But with her? He didn’t know how to let her go. Let her be. Let her find a new job

have to 

o be here to 

to meet him. Youre his potential bossshe pleaded with him for the third time that day alone, and it

Kylan scowled at her from behind his desk For the last time, Katrina, I don’t want a new assistant.” 

I was a circle. A back and forth Something they were both tired of, and sympathetic to 

She didn’t want to leave Kylan, but she needed to. She couldn’t be his assistant and his girlfriend. Because that’s what she was now 

Hi prifriend 



I know you don’t, but you also know it’s happening. I need to tell you about him, before he gets here.She pushed the mater more than she typically would only because the man in question was quite literally on his way to Ross Corp. 

Kylan pressed the backs of his palms to his eyes, groaning loudly, before running his fingers through his hair a few times. He was dearly exasperated, and she felt temble. She really didd 

Kylanher voice softened and she set her tablet down on his desk. She stood fromy her chair and shuffled around to him, pushing his shisuilder gently so that he would turn his own chair to face her. She tentatively sat across his lap, looping her arms around his neck

He stened beneath her for a moment, and then he heaved a great sigh and wound himself around her, burying his face us her neck. Kärma snuled her hand naturally beginning to caress his hair through her fingertips, Tm yours, kylan Yours, in every way that matters. I can’t be your -assistant any moore, you know I can’t. It isn’t appropriate. It never was, not since the day I signed the contract, if we’re being honestShe spoke softly 

cradling kylan’s head all the while

She felt bylan’s hand grip her hap tightly, but he stayed silent. kylan, i’ll be okay. This is a good thing. I promiseShe leaned down and kissed the top of his head gently 

How can losing you be a good thing?she heard him mumble into the side of her neck

He was being vulnerable Vulnerable and open and it made she want to tap her toes on the grounul in excitement

You’re not losing me, darlingShe gently pried his face away from her neck and angled his jaw to look at her. You’re not losing me. You just got me,she whispered the words, staring mto his eyes with qurt 

Kylany was still frowning, but his jaw wasn’t quite as tense, and his shoulders sagged a late but. F*cking fine, tell me about the damn candidate.” he managed to grumble

She made to move off his lap, but be held onto her. She giggled and reached across his desk to grab her tablet. She settled agama him and began toi read the person’s cover letter and resume out loud

Kylan listened to her speak, only sighing and making a side remark a couple of times. He kept has arms around her, his fingers rubbing cins les into 

1:09 PM 

Chapter 91 

the edges of her body all the while


Vince. Vince Jackson,” the tall, blond man introduced himself to her and Kylan alike, shaking her hand and then turning toward Kylan to offer the 

same gesture

Kylan merely stared at the hand in waiting, and she cleared her throat a bit awkwardly. Mr. Ross doesn’t like physical contact, she explained politely

To her surprise, Vince nodded and took a seat in front of Kylan’s desk. That’s fine by

me,he said easily 

the man with now 

She smiled at him gratefully, taking notice of the slightly less hostile expression Kylan was appraising 

She spent the next hour going over Vince’s work history with him, drilling him with any and every last prevalent question she could conjure. He handled the interrogation far better than she assumed he would, not even the least bit nervous or sweaty by the end of it 

He was okay with the boundaries Kylan set. He was fine with the way Kylan operated, and he was more than qualified to be his assistant

He left Ross Corporation with the promise that she would get back to him within the week

SeeHe wasn’t so bad, was he?She smiled at Kylan, watching Vincent disappear from view 

He was mostly tolerable. Tall as f*ck, though,Kylan mused almost begrudgingly

w down 

the hallway

you to be that selfconscious of your height 

She laughed at him, raising her eyebrows, and folding her arms over her chest. I’ve never known you to be despite being 6’2already she pointed out with a half smirk 

Kylan sighed and rose from his chair, readjusting his suit jacket while he moved to stand near her. I’m taller than you, at least,he pointed out, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him

Her face flushed at the sudden proximity and this time when she laughed, it was more nervous than anything else. You are,” she quietly agreed. resting her hands along his chest

Come on, then. Let’s go see Oscar.Kylan planted a quick kiss on her forehead, before taking hold of her hand

Her mood soured instantly, Oscar had been out of commission for the last week, the radiation proving to be more of a challenge for him than he had initially anticipated 

-He wanted soup. if I remember right.” She was thankful for the warmth of Kylan’s hand and how much it helped ground her

We’ll stop somewhere and get some.” Kylan guided her out of his office, and she did her best to wipe the frown from her face

She really did try


After more convincing and a hell of a lot of reassurance, Kylan finally agreed to hire Vincent as his new assistant

It was a bittersweet moment when he gave her the news. She was surprised how nonchalant he seemed, while he prattled on better not f*ck up his tea making 

She sat in front of his desk, unable to wipe the concern from her face while she listened to Kylan speak 

She wanted this. She chose this. She chose these boundaries, this change 

Even still, it was strange, painful. Knowing she would be handing over the reins to someone else

about how Vincent 

Would Vincent know how to appease Kylan, should he get upset or overstimulated at work? Would Vincent be able to properly represent Ros Corporation? Would he know how to keep track of Kylan’s schedule, his dry cleaning, his life? Was he cut out for it

Was anyone cut out for it, apart from her

It bothered her an obscene amount that kylan seemed to be okay with the entire thing, virtually out of nowhere

What had changed

get it, okay! You’re looking forward to the change,she heard herself stap at Kylan after listening to him drone on about Vincent for long enough Kylan assessed her, amusement clear on his face, which only fueled her annoyance all the more. Are you jealous, Katrina? I thought you were certain this is what she wanted.” 

She longed to wipe the smug expression right off his face. Instead, she rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. I’m not jealous, Kylan. Don’t be ridiculous. I’m just Confused, is all. Confused why you’re.She gestured to him with her hand. Fine

3:00 PM 

Chapter 91 

Kylan hummed, propping his hands beneath his chin, and continuing to stare at her with a curious glint in his eye. A knock on Kylan’s office door caused her to turn around and find who was interrupting

Ah. Max. Come in Kylan sat up more fully in his chair, readjusting his tie and staring at the blond expectantly

She stared between the two of them, clueless as to why the head of HR was in Kylan’s office

Do you have the contract I needed you to draw up?Kylan asked Max, who nodded and handed him a black folder that looked very similar to the one that had housed her contract at the beginning of October

Thank you. I’ll return this to you momentarily.Kylan sat the folder on his desk, and she watched Max give her a polite smile as he left the office 

She whirled around to face Kylan, a scowl on her face for a change. What was that about? What contract? I thought we were done with contracts. T thought we were-‘ 

Kylan raised a hand to silence her, amusement still dancing in his eyes. Look for yourself, Katrina.” He pushed the folder in her direction

She huffed with annoyance, muttering under her breath while she opened the folder

And then she stopped

And she stared at the first page in the folder. She stared at the header, to be more specific

Boss CEO Novel

Boss CEO Novel

Status: Ongoing


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