Chapter 4
I left about 15 minutes after Brandon.
But 20 minutes later, we were both staring at each other in disbelief outside one of the most exclusive venues in the city.
“Wait, your event is at this place?”
“Sweetheart, are you crashing my party?”
The doorman, sporting a suit that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe, swung the ornate door open with a flourish.
It was painfully obvious this wasn’t the type of place where either of us would normally hang out.
We hadn’t mentioned the locations of our
Chchapter 4
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diniereriplans beforehand. Yet, here wewerere in iththsasame spot, like two magnets.ts.
I kept mynyccOO.
“John’s treaeating us tonight. I heard he madede a fortune abroroad, so he decided to splurge.“e.”
Brandon’s grin wavassas fake as a diamond d from a dollar storere.
“Our boss is treatining some important clients, trying to securera bigidedeal, and this is where he decided to throw it.“it.”
Just then, the doormanpracactically sprinted
“Sir, your car is ready and waitingig!”
Following his gaze, I noticed the sigignature Itong black limousine parked in thelotot.
Chohapter 4
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“Sweeeetheart, d came in the boss’s”
I didntbabat an eye at his response butut insteachlinbaked my arm through
“Shall wevledasaid inside together? I have a a hunch ourdesestinations are… shockingly ly similar.”r”
Brandon lookedelikke dedeer caught in headlights for a spiipistesecond.
Our destination wasaisdedeed the same- two adjacent private trocoonsrom the venue’s second floor.or
Grasping the doorknob, bglarecedaback at Brandon, giving him a playfufuliwink.
“Catch you later, darling.“g.”
Chapter 4
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As the heavy door clicked shut, Lyon’s voice echoed through the intercom.
“Boss, Viper’s deputy has just arrived.”
Through the floor–to–ceiling windows, I spotted John, dressed in a perfectly tailored coat that probably cost more than my rent, walking toward the building with a confident stride.
The wine gathering rolled on without a hitch, the adjacent private room eerily silent, and not a hint of trouble in sight. So silent, in fact, that I began to doubt Lyon’s intel. Was it all just a ruse?
But as I swung open the door to the private room, I was immediately confronted by none other than Brandon, his cheeks flushed, standing alone in front of the door like a man caught in the act of something he’d rather
Chapter 4
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not admit.
Without a word, Brandon jerked me towardrd him, our fingers intertwining in a vise–likeke grip as his gaze zeroed in on the tall figurere behind me.
“This is… John, the senior my wife always s mentions, right?”
The way he emphasized “wife” made it sound like a challenge, as if he were marking g territory with every syllable.
His words were a little slurred, no doubt from the alcohol, but they were still razor–sharp.
“Th–thank you, John, for… taking care of
wife back in school. But from now on, my I don’t think you’ll need to worry about her anymore.”
ChChapter 4
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MMy college roommates, sensing theherbrev ststorm, quickly found reasons to makelteth exexitsrunder flimsy pretenses.s.
Noww, wawas just the three of us in the quiet hailawayay.
I could feet sksomeone lurking in the shadow
Lyon. Peekingnararound the corner like a a witness tota critime.
I fought the urge totsnsiteile.
JoJohn gave me a look brent that spoke vovolumes of calm reassurarance/while BrBrandon’s grip on my hamahdgightened papainfully.
[H[How dare you even look at him?h?]
Clchapter 4
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I thterew Brandon a sharp glare, but befofere l cauidis speak, John stepped forward.d.
“Brandaionigight? Perhaps we should have a a littlelchardt.”
“I had a gift fofonmy junior, but I forgot it todayay A Viper Bagg.”
As soon as he saaidVViper,” Brandon’s expression morphedibis face draining of color in an instaramt.
Instinctively, he moved toto/shield me behind him, as though trying totblblock out the mention of that name, dikeke it was a bullet aimed at us both.h.
“Darling, you should go withthyoronlche said, his voice tight with barelylgaratained
frustration. “He’ll take you homere.”
CI Chapter 44
+ 5 Points
reite l
iveva a
H&He attempted to release myriyamahd toto it, refusing to let go. o.
AsAs/Lyon and I turned the cornenerpla jujust a moment.
ArAnkh then, I heard John’s voice lov anahld daced with danger.
tof of
“Youow ovdidn’t want her to know, wo BrandonOnPhThat you’re the head of th Gang?y?”