Chapter 6
Brandon bit his lip and gave me a heated look.
“Didn’t you say you wanted to have a chat?” I teased, slowly stepping back from him.
“Let him go, and I’ll talk.”
Just as I finished speaking, a rush of hurried footsteps echoed down the corridor.
The stammering guy, who should’ve been long gone, suddenly reappeared with a small group of men trailing behind him.
“Boss, you can’t let him go! This kid is obviously her weakness! If you let him go,
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how are we supposed to negotiate?“?”
Brandon whipped around, shootingcaa dangerous glare at him.
“Who said anything about letting him go?“?” He hissed. “The only person my wife caress about is me!”
I couldn’t help but laugh softly at his overreaction.
“Boss, don’t let your emotions cloud your judgment!” The stammering guy urged. “Remember our goal! We’re here to reclaim our territory from Viper!”
I raised an eyebrow at Brandon, suddenly suspicious.
The stammering guy was probably talking about “Redwater Island.”
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A few days ago, I bought an island there, which, according to the unspoken rules, was considered provocative–since each faction typically only set up shop within their own territory.
Brandon’s expression stiffened at the mention of it.
With a sharp crack, he slapped the stammering guy across the face.
“Did you really have to say that?”
The stammering guy covered his face, looking a bit pitiful.
“But… Boss, you said it yourself! In the
game of power, there’s no room for family or loyalty!”
CIChapter 6
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BrBrandon shot him a final glare befefere tun hibistattention back to me. The stanamenierin guguy quickly scrambled to obey, dragagging JoJohn and his group away. y.
“Yotore really care about that place, don’t yoyc
Beferered could finish, Brandon cut me off, hi voiceatovowsharp.
In the wavarro, quiet corridor, his nose wasas flushed wiwithranger.
“Viper never shaivoss their face, always stayin hidden. Anyone el close to them risks being g exposed–eyetchenereoyourare, standing so so beboldly. Why?“?”
HiHis gaze turned darkrththeranger giving way SCsomething much more raulnerable. His eyes gliglittered, and I could sleece beansrom the brink fa falling.
ChChapter 6
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“Is’Is this how you feel about him? Hehesaske hisis voice dangerously soft.Youocaren’t pqpossibly be this attached to that prerettyd cacaroyou?”
I wasast stunned.
What atacas that supposed to mean??
Among theher group that had just left, Lyonn hung backcknlingering in the shadows.s
And thengasas forcue, he added with a a casual tonene,
“Boss, John’s a bitliglighter than you, huh?“?
LyLyon’s words hit handranand just as he spoke B Brandon’s tears starteded to fall like a torren rarain, spilling relentlesslysfydrom his eyes.
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“You were the one who raved about that dark–skinned, handsome guy in the poster, calling him so sexy! I wanted you to love me more, so I went and got a full–body tan for you…”
Brandon’s sobs were now ragged, his chest shaking with every breath.
I could see his men visibly uncomfortable, shifting from foot to foot, unable to meet his gaze.
I threw Lyon a look, silently urging him to get everyone out of the room.
But Brandon wouldn’t let me go.
“Is that really it? You’d rather have him than me?”
I sighed, moving towards him. With a gentle
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touch, I wiped the tears away from his cheeks.
“Why don’t you ask me why I bought that island?”
Brandon had mentioned working at a hotel before, but with all the “overtime” he was doing, I had decided to suggest he join my team at the island. A much better opportunity.
At my words, his face drained of color.
He hesitated, then slowly reached out, his fingers trembling as they brushed mine.
“I… I want to spend our anniversary on that island.”
I froze.
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That island.
It sat on the edge of a shimmering lake, and from the highest point, you could look out over a garden in the shape of a heart, blooming in the center.
Before I could respond, Brandon’s arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight embrace.
“Baby… can we stop this? Can we stop fighting now, please?”