Chapter 11%
Richard glared at me “Why are you being unreasonable, June? April is your blood, your sister! We can always have another child But your sister cannot be replaced
“But you said it! There were other alternatives for the liver transplant! I heard you say it!” I yelled, my eyes were already blurred with
1 I couldn’t. I couldn’t take the risk, June. Why don’t you understand? Ethan was already so sick. He would have still died. Why not make his death worth something?” He said, his voice breaking.!!
His words made me so angry that I snapped, and slapped him hard across his face. “You are a worthless father, and I will make sure you rot in hell with her I spat.
Richard clutched his face, and his eyes darkened with rage. “How dare you?” he gritted, through clenched teeth.!!
I kept my head high, keeping my gaze on his. “You deserved that, and so much more.”
He released a growl, and before I could blink, he pulled out a gun, and pointed it straight at me. April gasped in horror, and my heart raced in my chest. Was this how I would die?
“Richie.” April whispered in disbelief, like she couldn’t believe what was going on, but her eyes were gleaming with hidden delight. She wanted Richard to kill me.
Richard gave her a sideways glance, and in an instant, Killian grabbed the opportunity of his split second distraction to quickly disarm him and tum the gun back on him with a menacing glare on his face. He looked like he was very close to pulling the trigger
“How dare you come into my home and point a gun at my fiancée?” Killian growled, his eyes blazing with fury.
Richard glanced at the gun in Killian’s hand with uncertainty in his eyes. “You don’t know who I am, Killian.” He sneered. “I will make you pay for this. I am Richard Thorne, my father is the head of the Thome mafia. You do not want to mess with me. I can ruin your life!”
Killian didn’t look fazed by Richard’s words. He kept the gun pointed at Richard with a sharp glare. “Get out of here, both of you.” He snapped.}
“Give me my gun, Killian,” Richard said stubbornly, trying not to allow his voice to shake in fear
“Gladly,” Killian replied, and in an instant, he swiftly stepped forward and slammed the butt of the gun against Richard’s head, knocking him unconscious instantly.
April screeched, covering her mouth in horror. “You’ve killed him!”
Killian turned the gun to her with a snarl on his face. “No matter how satisfied I will feel in killing the both of you, you’re not worth it”% “Take them out of here.” Killian ordered, and out of nowhere, some guards came out and took the unconscious Richard and crying April with them out of the house. The wedding is in two days! You are not invited!” Killian called after them.
“Killian! No!” April’s cries faded off as they dragged her away.
I sighed in relief as I watched the guards drive away with them, and I plopped down on a couch with an exhausted sigh. It had been so nerve–wracking to see the both of them. My mind flashed back to the gun that Richard had pointed at me. I could have died today.
“Are you…okay?” Killian asked hesitantly, sitting down beside me on the couch
I shrugged. “No, I’m not” I replied truthfully.
He nodded slowly. “If you want to take a break on the revenge plan, I totally understand.” He said softly
I gave him an incredulous look. “Why would I ever do that?! Did you even hear him? He doesn’t even feel remorse for what he did? He’s trying to justify it” | exclaimed, throwing my hands up
“I’m not going on any break, and I’m not going to rest until I get my revenge.” I said firmly.
A small smile crossed Killian’s lips, and from the look in his eyes, he was impressed.
“Good, because we need to upload more files to the media.” He replied, standing up from the couch.”
“I have a question,” I blurted out, before he could go far.
Killian paused, turning to me with cunosity in his eyes. “Okay, what is it?”
“Are you… Are you really… sterile?” I asked, flushing in embarrassment as the words left my mouth, but I couldn’t help it since he said it to April, it kept ringing in my mind!
Killian smirked, tilting his head at me. “Why? Are you thinking of making babies with me?” He teased, his eyes glinting mischievously.
My face turned bright red, and I spluttered, “Wha.. What?! No! I… You know what, forget I said anything!” I exclaimed, turning away from him to hide my red face!
He released a low chuckle. “You have nothing to worry about, amore. I am not sterile.”
My eyes widened slightly. “But… but you told them that… Isn’t there a possibility that that child is yours?”
Killian shrugged. “Maybe, but did you see how easy it was for April to accept that the child wasn’t mine when I told
am not assuming responsibility for any child, till the baby is bom, and a DNA test is done.” He said firmly
I blinked, processing what he had said. “That was…clever.” I admitted slowly
Id her I was sterile? I
“I know,” He replied, then he smirked mischievously. “So, you have nothing to worry about. We can make all the babies you want.” He teas.ed.
corded My Muda Husband, Mamed My Brother–in–Law
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Une’s POVE