Chapter 8
Maya’s POV
+5 Bonus
I tidied up the living room quickly, ensuring everything looked untouched and perfect. The SD card and card reader I’d prepared was plugged in
the back of the TV. I plucked it out, holding it with
triumph, then slipped it into a drawer, placing it gently under a pile of old magazines. The proof of my night with Louis. He might have dismissed me,
but I wasn’t going to let him erase me or our child
that easily.
I smoothed my hands over my stomach, feeling
anger and determination swell within. “Emily, don’t
blame me,” I murmured softly to myself. “I’m doing
this for my child.” I whispered down to my stomach,
“Daddy will love you very much.” He might not know
it yet, but he would adore this baby–and me. He had
- to. Or all this would have been for nothing.
Chapter 8
+5 Bonus
I had confronted him about it almost as soon as
I knew. “I’m pregnant, Louis,” I told him. My pulse
thrummed with the excitement that my plan was
finally coming to fruition.
But when he looked at me, his expression was
cold and unmoving, and a flicker of disgust crossed
his face. “Do whatever you want, Maya. But I won’t
help you raise this baby, nor will I ever acknowledge
it as mine.” His tone was merciless, and it felt like
he’d thrown a punch straight to my sternum. “My
child will only ever come from Emily,” he continued
as if I were nothing more than a temporary
nuisance. “If you want anything out of this situation,
get rid of it.”
The words stung, and I stood there almost numb
as I felt the weight of his rejection. I’d spent years
trying to work my way into his life, into his world,
and he was tossing me aside like I was nothing. But
Chapter 8
1 +5 Bonus
as much as I wanted Louis, I wanted to keep this
child even more. Still, he couldn’t get rid of me or the
baby that easily.
With Louis’s rejection hanging over me, I had
turned to the only person I knew might help–Lucy,
his mother. I had swallowed my pride and gone to
her, rehearsing every word, perfecting my tearful,
pleading expression. She needed to believe me, and
more importantly, she needed to be on my side.
“Believe me, I wouldn’t have come to you if it
wasn’t important.”
Lucy looked at me with skepticism. “I just don’t
see that my son’s secretary could have anything
that important to tell me.”
I ignored the jab, knowing from Emily that this
was just normal Lucy behavior. So, I took a deep breath and laid out my cards, carefully starting to
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+5 Bonus
build the tears in my eyes. “I’m pregnant. With
Louis’s child.”
She paused, and then contempt appeared on
her face. “You’re pregnant? Why should I believe
you? You could easily be after his money.”
I lowered my gaze, letting my voice tremble as I
spoke. “I don’t want anything like that from you or
Louis, Lucy. I don’t want money or anything
extravagant. I just want to have this baby. Please, let
me keep my child.” My hands clutched my stomach
as if protecting the child from her piercing stare.
She narrowed her eyes, considering. “Let’s say
you are pregnant. Infidelity is not a good look on my
I shrugged and made sure my lips trembled. “I
know, but…what’s done is done. He is having a child.
And you are having a grandchild.”
I saw her suspicion soften ever so slightly. She
Chapter 8
+5 Bonus
still didn’t trust me completely, but there was a
crack in her defenses. She wanted a grandchild too
much. And Emily had yet to give one to her.
Still, to make sure I was telling the truth, she arranged for me to visit the hospital to confirm the pregnancy. After the doctor’s confirmation, I felt a victory that I carefully hid behind a humble, grateful expression. Lucy’s demeanor shifted; she was still cautious, but now she had something to gain from
my pregnancy.
As we left the hospital, she linked her arm with mine. Her touch surprised me, even though her sympathy had been my goal. “We’ll make sure no harm comes to the baby, Maya,” she assured me, her voice dripping with a twisted kind of sincerity. Then she stopped, studying me with a look. “When do you
plan on telling Emily?”
I quickly hid my irritation and feigned
innocence. “I just… I don’t have the heart to break
Chapter 8
1+5 Bonus
the news to her, Lucy. She’s my best friend.” I paused, glancing away to sell the reluctance. In
reality, I wanted to get things moving as quickly as
possible so the baby could be settled with their
Daddy, and I could have the husband I deserved.
Lucy scoffed. “A real friend wouldn’t be
scheming to steal her friend’s husband.”
I nodded, giving her the obedient look she
wanted. “I know. You’re right. I’m… I’m so ashamed,
Lucy. I don’t know what came over me.”
Satisfied, she went on to outline a plan. She
would help me secure my place in Louis’s life if I
could provide him with a child. The stakes were.
clear, and so was my role. All I had to do was wait for
the right moment to break the news to Emily. I
needed to ruin her trust in Louis while driving a
wedge between them so wide that nothing could
ever bring them together again.
Chapter 8
3 +5 Bonus
I returned to the present, running my carefully
painted fingernails over the drawer where the SD
card lay hidden. I’d gone to great lengths to carve
out my place in Louis’s life. I’d even maneuvered
myself into becoming Emily’s closest friend, isolating her from others and creating all sorts of
reasons to spend time with her. Eventually, they
trusted me enough that I could come and go from
their home as freely as I pleased.
But each time I left their house, I felt a bit
defeated. I might have known every detail of their
lives, the rooms, the pictures, the closets filled with their things… but it all still belonged to her.
This house should be mine… But soon enough,
it will be.
I took a deep breath, steadying myself. I’d
waited this long, and I was so close now. Patience, I
needed patience. Everything was in motion, and
This house should be mine… But soon enough,
it will be.
I took a deep breath, steadying myself. I’d
waited this long, and I was so close now. Patience, I
needed patience. Everything was in motion, and
soon, Emily would be out of the picture.