Jail on his wife’s behalf Chapter 16

Jail on his wife’s behalf Chapter 16

Chapter 0016 

Lucian’s POV 

I placed my hands on Dr. A’s arms and gently eased her away, as I took a step backwards to add some more distance between us

I was

surprised to have encountered Dr. A here, especially under this circumstance

My subordinates had somehow missed her while they had been clearing the rest of the bar. Now, she had appeared from the bathroom while I was waiting for my wife, thinking; her the only one inside

Looking at her now, with their proximity much closer than it had been at the hospital, I could see shadows through the domino mask, enough to notice that her eyes were very similar in size and shape to Aria’s. I wished I could see behind the mask to further compare, but politeness dictated that I restrain myself

Pardon me,I said. While you were in the bathroom, did you see my wife?” 

Aria’s POV 


1 lied

It was much easier to maintain my composure with my doctor disguise in place. There was someone else in one of the stalls. I didn’t see her face but I presume that to be your wife.” 

Ah.Lucian’s brow pulled together in confusion

I worried he might ask me more, but he simply stepped to the side

I will continue to wait, then. Thank you.Lucian said

Guilt swelled up inside of me somewhat. I didn’t care for the image of Lucian waiting all night for me to emerge from that bathroom, but realistically, I imagined he would send someone in before long, to check on me. When they found the bathroom empty, I was sure Lucian would assume I sneaked out the window

Maybe then he’d get the hint, leave me alone, and stop being difficult about the divorce

Over and over, he’d said the home needed me. He didn’t mention that he himself did

All he needed was for his dutiful servant to return. He didn’t miss me as his wife

If you’ll excuse me,I said, ducked around Lucian, and headed for the door

Outside, Lucian’s subordinates were keeping a small crowd away from the bar. I spotted Cathy among the crowd, and hurried to join her. The subordinate blocking her did not think to look behind him

Excuse me,I said. I need to get by.” 

Glancing back, he startled, seeing me. Dr. A?” 

While he was stunned with confusion, I dipped around him and rejoined Cathy. Together, we made our escape

On the way home, I explained to her what happened, and way Dr. A had to make a sudden appearance

When we walked into her house, Cathy said upsetly, I’m so sorry, Aria. I never should have taken you there. If I didn’t, none of this would have happened.” 

That was true, and mirrored a similar sentiment I had earlier in the evening, after Lucian first appeared. But now, after having given it some thought, I realized that maybe what happened was for the best

No, I should be the one thanking you,I said

Tonight felt like a turning point for me. The way Larcian talked about meI shook my head. I have to be more diligent in facing reality.” 

Lucian was never going to see me as a woman worthy of his love. I could be his wife, I could carry the title of Luna, clean and care for his house, and keep an orderly household. But become someone he loved? Unlikely

I have to keep pushing for this divorce,I said. When I have it, and the money I need, me and my baby are going to go as far away from this pack as physically possible.” 

I had never been so resolute in my plans

Cathy, however, didn’t seem to understand my fresh determination. Guilt continued to cling to her features, dragging them down. Even so, I’ll try harder in the future for you, Aria.” 

I assured her that was unnecessary, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer

The next day, in the office at the hospital, Cathy pulled me as Dr. A, aside around midday to introduce a lively and adorable female medical student

This is Piper! Cathy said

She’s going to be your new assistant.” 

Nice to meet you, Piper,I said, holding out my hand to shake hers

So nice to meet you, Dr. A!she replied excitedly. She shook my hand. I’ve heard so much about you, I can’t wait to talk to you more about your work and about medicine.” 

Cathy smiled. Don’t forget to do your job as well,she told Piper lightly

Right, of course,Piper said in a rush, blushing slightly

To me, Cathy said, Piper is very passionate about medicine.” 

Oh?I asked, shifting my attention back to Piper

I always wanted to be a Healer,Piper said

Someone with passion for this work was hard to come by. I resolved to help Piper achieve her dream however I could before my inevitable disappearance

Welcome aboard, Piper,I said

The first appointment after lunch break was Sheila. Lucian entered the office as well, accompanying her

Piper,I said. Perhaps you could assist with Sheila’s testing today.” 

To Shella and Lucian, I said, Piper is an accomplished medical student.” 

That would be fine,Sheila said, though seemed annoyed 1 wouldn’t be attending her directly

Piper showed Shella out of the office. I expected Lucian to go with them, but he stayed behind instead

Chapter 0016 

Dr. A,he said, when the others had gone and the door closed behind them. Did you receive the gift my Bere bad left for you?” 

Yes,I said. It had been a thoughtful gift, a basket filled with useful medical supplies. I much prefere flowers or the like, though I wasn’t going to tell him that Thank you.” 

I’d only hoped to improve our acquaintanceship,he said. He paused as if waiting for me to say someth 

When I didn’t, he continued, I also increased my investment in the hospital itself, in hopes that we collaborate on a longterm medical project. What do you think about ?” 


I said firmly and quickly, practically on reflex for how quickly my entire body recoiled from the idea of work together with Lucian. He was the very person I had been planning on putting behind me

What was happening here, with me helping Sheila, was only a shortterm investment 

Once I discovered a cure for her infertility, and received the promised hefty commission for my work. I was going to be long gone from this place. There would be no time for any longterm project or whatever else Laden was concocting

Lucian straightened, seemingly taken aback by my harsh no. I didn’t know whether it was the no itself that startled him, or the forceful way I’d said it. Likely, he wasn’t used to hearing that word at all, let alone in that toce 

No one would dare speak to the Alpha King as I had done. Even as Aria, I wouldn’t have the nerve

Yet being Dr. Athis disguise and the anonymity that came with it allowed me to express myself for confidently and fluidly. I didn’t feel like I had to hold myself back, as I did when I was simply the meek housewife Aria 

Dr. ALucian began. His words were halting, as if spoken with some measure of hesitation. It looks like, is it possible that you now dislike me even more than before?” 

Jail on his wife’s behalf

Jail on his wife’s behalf

Status: Ongoing


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