Chapter 0024
Aria’s POV
The news took me a long moment to process. Long enough, it seemed, for Cathy to grow worried.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Cathy asked, stepping closer to re
These past two days, I’d started having pregnancy reactions to things. As a Healer, I knew this was an Inevitability, but knowing about it did not make it more comfortable.
“I’m going to be sick,” I managed to get out. With Cathy’s helped, I rushed to the bathroom, where I proceeded to attempt to upheave what was in my stomach. Cally took away my mask and held back my hair.
Inside of me, my wolf moved to offer me what comfort she could. This shift in her attention caused my scent to reappear and my hair color to return to its lighter brown hue.
When my dry heaving had passed for the moment, I sat back on my haunches, Cathy peered down at me, worried.
“I’m fine,” I told her.
“This doesn’t seem fine,” Cathy replied.
“It’s normal”
“You still ared to test.”
“What about the party?” I asked.
“Forget the party. I was wrong before. Here you are getting sick and Lucian’s nowhere to be found. Forget him and his family. You just go to bed and get some rest,”
“He wrote please,” I reminded her. It was the one detail of the invitation I couldn’t put out of my mind.
“I don’t care if he included a check for a million dollars,” Githy said. As if realizing she was getting too angry, she breathed in a deep breath, and then let it go. “It’s not right. Why would Lucian want you there, when he’s never paid you any attention before?”
“Maybe he’s coming around,” I said, that treacherous bit of hope returning to my heart.
“Careful,” Luna Warned in my mind. “He will hurt you again…”
“Maybe…” Cathy hummed, like she thought of something else but was loathe to say it aloud.
“Cathy?” I prompted.
“I’m just wondering I don’t know. Maybe he has some doubts about your identity? He almost recognized you that first time, and then with the incident at the bar. Maybe tonight is some kind of test.”
Shock struck through me. If Lucian knew about my appointment tonight, then Cathy could be right. Lucian could be laying a trap to see if both Arla and Dr. A could be accounted for.
“You might be right,” I said. Softer, I added, “I don’t want to reveal my identity yet.”
Cathy was quiet for a moment, then replied, “Are you still insecure about that year’s incident?”
“Yes,” I admitted, though it pained me
Another silence fell between us, where we both became lost in our thoughts
Chapter 2024
Eventually, Cathy spoke up once more. “Piper is still at the hospital. Her figure is fairly similar to yours, Aria, and she’s loyal enough. Perhaps we can ask her to disguise herself as Dr. A by wearing a mask. She could pretend to be you at least enough to be seen.”
That would throw Lucian off my trail for a while, but only if Aria was
“What about the family gathering?” I asked.
Cathy’s brow crinkled. “I could go for you?
also seen
I appreciated Cathy, but there was no way she could pass as me, at least in front of people who knew me intimately. Lucian certainly wouldn’t be fooled, and neither would his parents.
“I’ll go myself,” I said with a sigh. “Lucian’s parents have always been very good to me. I should visit them once before the divorce, if only to say goodbye.”
As long as I appear at the family gathering, while Dr. A is seen at the hospital, nothing should be exposed, and my secret identity would remain safe.
#Are M
you going to be okay?” Cathy asked, concern clear on her face. “Someone needs to look out for you, but I wouldn’t be able to get in as your plus one. Those alpha parties are so strict…”
I understood her concern, especially as we were still standing in the bathroom after I’d just gotten sick. I must have looked like hell, too pale and sweating slightly.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang
“Are you expecting someone?” I asked her.
“No,” she replied. “Wait here.”
Cathy turned and disappeared down the hallway. Curious, followed behind, careful to stay behind the corner, so as not to be immediately seen when she opened the front door.
As she did, pulling the door inward, Cathy revealed Jasper waiting outside, wearing a sharp tuxedo.
I was surprised, having never seen him dressed in something this formal.
“Surprise!” Jasper said, smiling wickedly. That mischievous grin was attractive and tempting. Undoubtedly, it had broken many hearts.
“I’ve heard there’s a lady in this house who is going through a divorce. I thought, I’d love to act as her new boyfriend… Why are you looking at me like that?”
“It’s you!” Cathy said. Grabbing Jasper by the lapels, she pulled him into the house.
“Uh? “Jasper said, somewhat speechless by Cathy’s aggressiveness, an odd look on his face. She pushed him over to the couch.
“Wait here,” she said.
He obediently sat down..
“Stay,” she said.
That mischievous smile started to return. “Yes, ma’am.”
Cathy, rolling her eyes, stormed out of the living room. Catching me in the hallway, she looped our arms together and led me back into my bedroom.
Chapter 0024
Letting go of my arm, Cathy immediately went into my closet and rifled through my dresses. I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then went to help her.
She had already gone through most of the rack by the time I rejoined her. She was sliding through my dresses. quickly, making a disgusted noise at each one.
“These will never do,” Cathy said.
“What’s wrong with them?” I asked.
“They are so conservative.”
“Dignified,” I corrected. For three years, I’d tried my best to appear as a traditional housewife. To events, I wore dresses with high collars and long sleeves, boxy outlines. They weren’t flattering but they weren’t meant to be.
At those times, I had not wanted to embarrass myself or draw attention away from my husband.
“Boring,” Cathy replied.
At the end of the rack was the final dress I owned, my secret favorite. It was somewhat rebellious and sexy compared to the rest, but I’d always wanted to wear it. I had felt so good when I had tried it on.
Cathy pulled the dress out of the closet. “Why not be bold tonight?”
I hesitated. My first impulse was to be respectable so as not to draw attention. But did that really matter tonight?
“Try it,” Cathy said. “While I call Piper.”
After accepting the dress, Cathy stepped out of the room. While she was gone, I pulled on the dress, then quickly did my hair and makeup.
The dress was a red with only one sleeve, the other shoulder was bare. The silky fabric hugged my curves closely, and the length went to mid–thigh.
Looking in the mirror, I felt like a sexier version of myself. Someone I hadn’t seen in the mirror in a long time.
With my makeup and hair ready, I stepped out of my bedroom. Looking for Cathy, I walked into the living room.
I’d totally forgotten Jasper was waiting there.
Seeing me, his eyes went wide. He whistled, then smiled.
“… Wow. Lucian is certainly in for a surprise today.”