Caleb’s family seemed nervous by my presence, constantly glancing at me. That was all well and good, I couldn’t care less either way. What was on my mind, and what I couldn’t seem to get off of it, was why Aria would care about any of this?
Sure, Caleb was a war hero, but Aria was on her way to divorcing the Alpha King. She didn’t need to put in time like this anymore, caring about things that had nothing to do with her.
I’d spoken to Cathy on the phone, when she was desperate to get a hold of Aria to give her the message about Piper.
So where was Piper now? Was Piper… Dr. A?
Why would Dr. A need Aria’s help?
None of this made sense.
And then, suddenly, like the last piece of a puzzle slipping into place, everything clicked.
It still didn’t make sense. But it was the only reasonable explanation…
Could Aria be the real Dr. A?
Chapter 00019
Chapter 0039
Aria’s POV
To my surprise, as I exited the office with Piper, still disguised as Dr. A, and suggested going down to see Caleb in the coma ward, Jasper was the one who agreed the readiest. The others, Caleb family, seemed confused at my needing to be involved beyond this point.
“I just want to keep her on task,” I said. “I’m still trying to plead her case.”
“Maybe you all should just head home for the night,” Jasper suggested. “Dr. A likely isn’t going to make a hasty decision in this case, even after looking over your dad.”
I looked at him with suspicion and confusion, be he just smiled at me.
“Time is of the essence,” Montgomery said.
“I cannot be rushed,” Piper said, playing her role earnestly
Montgomery’s jaw clenched. Christie sneered with dissatisfaction. These people were not the type who were accustomed to waiting
They would have to learn. Dr. A, whether as Piper or myself, would not be making special accommodations for them as others might have. Here, under my watch, all patients were treated the same – even those who are war heroes.
“We would be willing to pay to expedite this process,” Montgomery added. “A blank check, even.”
With that, I could escape the pack, yet it didn’t feel right to give Caleb the treatment just so I could get the money.
Piper glanced at me. Subtly, I twitched my head left and right, indicating that would not be acceptable.
“I cannot be rushed,” she said again, even more firmly than before.
I had thought my slight movement had gone unnoticed by everyone in the room except for the person it had been intended for. Yet, when I looked at all the visitors in the walling area, I found Jasper staring straight at me.
A cold shock zipped down my spine. He looked at me as if he could see straight through me. Maybe he had. He must have had many questions for me. If I didn’t start coming up with answers, he might make his own conclusions.
He was clever, so I worried over what conclusions he might draw.
Maybe he’d already drawn them.
With Jasper’s encouragement, the family stayed behind in the office while Piper and I went down to the coma ward. With other Healers around, I thought it best to exercise caution and let Piper take the lead on the examination.
Through Caleb’s chart, we could see how many pain killers he was on. A list that long didn’t bode well. The medicine that extended life would keep him alive, but his quality of life would not improve. Likely, he would stay here in this coma being pumped full of these painkillers.
I needed to interrogate his personal Healers to be sure. Unfortunately, the ones who regularly tended to Caleb and his family had left for the night.
“There’s nothing more we can do,” I told Piper.
“What are you going to do?” Piper asked me. “Will you give him the medicine or not?”
Chapter DC39
“I don’t know yet,” I admitted. Fortunately, though Caleb’s health had taken a turn, he was still stable enough to give me some time to decide. There wasn’t a lot of time, I would need to decide sooner rather than later. But some time was better than none at all. I wasn’t going to make this decision impulsively.
Explaining that to Caleb’s family was difficult, especially as it had to be conveyed through Piper. I vowed to look into what she was being paid and to see if I could facilitate a raise.
Caleb’s family was frustrated, but eventually they left.
“I think you should go home as well, Dr. A,” I told Piper, conscious of Jasper still in the room. “Maybe come in late tomorrow.”
Dr. A nodded.
Cathy was glaring at Jasper. “I can take you home, Aria,” she said.