Chapter 0040
“I think I’d better go with Jasper,” I told her. “He’s been patiently waiting all this time.” And we needed to talk. At Cathy’s nod, I turned away and walked with Jasper down to his car. Once we were safely inside, he started the engine, turned to me, and asked, “How in the world has Lucian not found out?”
So he did know. Closing my eyes, I exhaled deeply. “You can’t tell him. Or anyone.” Opening my eyes again, I stared at him, hoping he could see the seriousness in this the severity if I were to be found out. Caleb’s family was just one of many who would do anything to get the medicine I developed.
If the truth were to get out, my entire life would be upheaved.
“I won’t say anything.” Jasper said.
“You swear?”
“I do,” he replied and drew an invisible cross using his finger over his heart.
I didn’t know why, but I believed him. Relaxing slightly in my passenger seat, I sighed.
“What are you going to do, though?” Jasper asked. Returning his attention to driving, he put the car in reverse to back out of the parking spot. Then, in drive, he pulled forward. “Are you going to give Caleb the medicine?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “From the outside, he doesn’t appear to be in good shape, but as he’s not awake, he can’t advocate for himself.” It was a tough case made tougher by Caleb’s inability to respond
“You don’t have to give him the medicine if you don’t want to,” Jasper said. “Since it’s your medicine, you are the one who gets to make the choice.”
“I don’t know how I’ll live with myself if I make the wrong one,” I said. “I hate having to make these choices. There’s never easy answers, and sometimes there’s regrets…”
“Don’t let the family bully you,” Jasper said. “We all know they just want to keep their dad alive so they can continue to use his reputation for their own financial gain. I’m not sure they’re considering the guy’s feelings at all.”
“If I keep him alive, perhaps a cure could be found for what is truly wrong with him in that time. If we could bring him out of his coma, he might have a few more years of enjoyable life left.”
Even as I said the words, I kept imagining the man who had spoken to Lucian three years before. He’d wanted to see his wife again, even then. Was it right to keep him alive how?
A headache formed in my brow. Rubbing at it did little good to ease the throbbing pain.
This had been an exceptionally long day. I wanted to go home, go to bed, and not worry about anything again until the morning.
Jasper pulled his car up to the sidewalk in front of Cathy’s house. Cathy wasn’t back yet, but the front porch light was on as was the one in the living room. She’d likely wanted to have light waiting for her when she returned.
“Thank you for the ride,” I said. “And for your promise to keep things quiet.
Jasper grinned. “Of course. Maybe being a good boy could earn me another date?”
Rolling my eyes, I opened the car door and stepped out.
“I don’t hear a no!” Jasper called after me.
“Goodnight, Jasper,” I said and slammed the door.
Chapter 0040
As he drove off down the street, I approached the front door of the house. Nearing it, I noticed a folded scrap of paper tucked in near the doorknob.
Grabbing it, I flipped it open and read the words written within.
This was Caleb’s handwriting. 1
I’m not giving up yet. I refuse to go along with the divorce.