Come and Eat
Chapter 2
Ana glanced at me after she said this, she had a small smirk on her face. That innocent face that you wouldn’t Belive could hurt a fly.
My eyes widened in disbelief, she didn’t
really need it? But when the diamond lost she threw a bit fit for it, she broke a lot of things in the house screaming that she couldn’t live without the diamond.
And now she didn’t really need it?
Is my life a joke? I am just a dog they could use and toss after having their feel, i am not an experimental pig.
you Dont need it? I asked harshly,
All i felt was rage, hatred, and revenge.
Damian turned to me instantly, i expected to see remorse or sympathy but once again i was doused with the cold waters called
Come and Eat
He frowned at me, his face in disgust as he looked at my pathetuc state‘
oh my gosh, Clara, you look horrible” ana said. I couldn’t bare this shame and insult.
“how dare you? I was cut open because of you, because of stupid diamond” i said pointing at her.
Ana widened her eyes in fake disbelief.
“oh my gosh, Damian you had her cut open because of me?” tears gathered in her eyes.
That was it, that was what she used to hook my husband all these years, the only thing i didn’t know how to do.
conjure up tears at will‘
She was a pro at it, her tears was my
husbands weak point, he could do anything just to stop her from crying.
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Come and Eat
Before Damian could respond she cut him off.
“i can’t Belive you went to that length just to get my diamond back” she giggled with tears in her eyes.
Damian pulled her into his embrace, he opened his mouth and said the unforgivable.
“i can do anything for you”
Ana giggled and turned to me, her face once again morphing into a cute and innocent one.
“i am sorry Clara, i didn’t mean to cause you a lot of pain” she apologies but i knew that it was fake.
“i had only asked brother Damian to help me ask you for it, i thought you took it because you were angry that brother
Damian sold your only car to get me a new car” she said with tears in her eyes, she even had the audacity to sob.
Come and Eat
She had clearly asked Damian to cut me open and search my stomach while she threw things around, and when Damian tried to negotiate with her, he told her that he would get her a new one but she refused, she said that it was either they cut. me open to get the diamond out or she jumped off the building.
Damian and i lived in a three storey building.
“liar “i muttered.
Ana froze, she stopped wiping her tears and shot me a mocking glance as if trying to ask what i would do about it.
Dont mind her ana, Clara is being to over dramatic, you have apologised, if she doesn’t accept it, she can leave” Damian said shooting me a glare.
Ana s sobbing turned into a full blow weeping.
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She had clearly asked Damian to cut me open and search my stomach while she threw things around, and when Damian tried to negotiate with her, he told her that he would get her a new one but she refused, she said that it was either they cut me open to get the diamond out or she jumped off the building.
Damian and i lived in a three storey building.
“liar “i muttered.
Ana froze, she stopped wiping her tears. and shot me a mocking glance as if trying to ask what i would do about it.
Dont mind her ana, Clara is being to over dramatic, you have apologised, if she doesn’t accept it, she can leave” Damian said shooting me a glare.
Ana‘ s sobbing turned into a full blow weeping.
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“I am so sorry ana, but at least
y ana, but at least my brother
Damian helped me find the diamond” she
said showing it to me.
She stretched her hand to take the diamond from Damian, as Damian dropped it in her hand she purposefully moved, the diamond fell to the ground.
there is it” ana said kicking the diamond with her feet towards me.
the same diamond she had them cut me open to get.
I stood there, tears streaming down my face. I didn’t notice that the man beside me had also stiffened but i didn’t care, i needed to vent.
And i did.
I lunged at ana, ignoring the pain shooting from my body, u grabbed her by the hair and pulled her away from my husband.
let go of me, let go” she cried.
I felt Chris pull me backwards but i used
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Come and Eat
my elbows to hit him in his jaw, it hurt me as well as it hurt him but i didn’t care.
I continued to pull at ana’s hair, she could have eailsu pushed me off but she didn’t, and i failed to see the obvious trap that she had set for me.
I felt a large hand grab me by my hair and hurl me across the room, i felt my body flying until i crashed into the wall.
Pain, that was all i felt, and hatred,
how dare you lay your hands on ana” i heard my husband scream at me, i heard ana cry loudly.
my head hurts, she pulled my hair out” she cries, i looked at my hands weakly and saw two strands of hair in my hand.
I slowly looked up at them, my head throbbed in pain, i felt a warm liquid trail down my face.
Ana’s face contorted in fear as she looked at me like she had seen a ghost.
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I smiled at them and suddenly, everything
went dark.
I heard ana scream “she is dead“.
Chris voice followed after.
‘she isn’t, she just fainted” i heard footsteps approach me.
take her to her room and lock the door, i do it want to see her” Damian said.
I felt myself floating in the air before i could hear no more.
I woke up to an empty room,
I realised that This wasn’t my room, this was the guest room i had prepared for ana a few months ago when she had no place to
My head throbbed in pain, i used my elbows to support myself into a sitting. position. My body hurt all over. I touched. my head, there was a large bandage over my head.
Come and Eat
I sighed and threw my legs out of the bed, i got down and made my way out of the room, using the wall as a support.
I was very hungry and thirsty, i wanted to make something for myself.
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