Chapter 9
The car tripped and fell into the river at the bottom of the cliff, all I felt around my body was cold, biting cold, the water rushed in through the windows of the car.
tried to get my seatbelt off but it wouldn’t budge, the water rose to my neck, just a matter of time and I would be completely enveloped by the cold water.
The car sank deeper, I sighed as it got passed my ears and to my eyes.
This was the end for me, I knew I would die one day but I never thought I would be like this, I coughed hard as water flowed into my nose, and I felt my lungs burning, and just when I closed my eyes to give up, I saw a dark figure from the corner of my eyes swim up to my car.
I opened my mouth in surprise but that was a big mistake, water flowed more into
my lungs, I couldn’t take it anymore, dark dots appeared in my vision as 1 faded out of consciousness.
The next time I opened my eyes I was once again in a white room that smelled of disinfectant and medicine.
“Good! You are awake” I heard a voice say beside me. I looked to my side and was surprised to see Robin beside me. He had his usual cute smile and his dimples.
Robin stayed beside me until the doctor came and told me that I was alright, although I needed to rest until I had fully recovered and that would take a few days.
Robin stayed by my side for a week, bringing me food, and telling me jokes. some were dad jokes. He rubbed my hair until I fell asleep.
Slowly in just a week, I fell for him.
I was discharged and Robinn took me
home, his house was a very big condo away from the noisy city.
One day two months later, I had fully recovered from my injuries, Robin came into my room with a nervous smile on his face.
“what is it?” I asked him.
He walked to where I was and sat beside me on the bed, he scratched his neck as he spoke.
“Well I was thinking, you have been inside for a month and some days now, I wanted to know if you would like to go on a date with me,” he asked, my eyes widened in surprise.
Robin waves his hand in front of me.
“Wait! Wait, not like a date, date, just go out with me, you know we eat and-” 1 interrupted him by taking his hands.
“Okay,” I laughed. Robin looked at me in shock before laughing too.
That night we went on a date; he took me to a very humble and beautiful restaurant
the wedding
where I ordered a few things from the
I enjoyed Robin‘ s company, for the first time I had someone who treated me like I was the most precious thing in the world.
After the date, Robin suggested we take a stroll in the garden and I agreed.
“uh. Clara?” Robin suddenly said I could
see that he was nervous,
“Yes? “I replied. He took my hand.
“would you like to be my girlfriend?” he asked, we both stopped and he turned to
- me.
I paused for a while before smiling.
“yes, “I told him, Robin cheered and held. my face, I closed my eyes as he kissed my lips ever so softly. After the kiss, he suddenly carried me by the waist and spun
us around.
Five months later Robin and I got married
and, he invited all of his friends while I
the wedding
invited those that I wanted to be there, I didn’t have many friends because of my relationship with Damian so I didn’t have a lot of people to invite.
When the music started. I was led down the aisle by Robin’s father, he handed over me to his son and walked away after kissing my hand.
The wedding officiator started,
“if you have a reason as to why this couple should not get married, speak now or forever remain silent,” the officiator said.
“I object”
The crowd gasped.
We all turned around to see Damian walking down the aisle, I looked beside him to see that there was no one.
That was odd.
Ana and Damian used to be inseparable,
but why did he come alone and why was he objecting to my wedding?
the wedding
“Clara, you can’t marry him,” Damian said as he walked to the alter. I turned to
Robin to apologize only to see him frown at Damian.
“I didn’t invite you,” Robin said.
“and why didn’t you invite me, because you wanted to secretly get married to my wife?” Damian screamed at him.
“ex–wife, I corrected Damian, how can
he be so delusional, we have been divorced
for almost a year now.
“I Don t agree to the divorce Clara, come back to me,” he said stretching his hands
towards me.
“Are you out of your mind Damian?” I asked him in confusion.
“please Clara, I know that you still love me even after everything, you were the one who told me that you would always love me no matter what” Damian pressed on.
“yeah, I said that because I was stupid
EN 11:53
the wedding
Damian, now I have moved on, I no longer love you, I love Robin with all my heart, and guess what” I added mysteriously.
I smiled toward Robin and wound my arms around his. I saw his gaze soften.
“What?” Damian asked.
“we are pregnant. “I told Robin. His mouth felt open.
“you are going to have a baby, our baby?” Robin asked and I nodded my head. He
cheered and picked me up, twirling me around.
Damian looked at us in horror.
“no, no, that is not possible,” he said as he took a step back, we ignored him.
Robin signaled the officiator to continue, everyone ignored Damian who stood there looking at us in horror.
Some men came and pulled Damian by the arm. Damian struggled against them.
the wedding
“no Clara, you are mine and can only be mine” he shouted but nobody listened. He was kicked out and never to be heard from again, or so I thought.
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