Now, it’s time for him to listen 91

Now, it’s time for him to listen 91

Chapter 91: A Wed Teacher 

Chapter 91: A Weird Teacher 


I arrived at school and was receiving weird looks from people I didn’t even know of

Is that her?” 

I think so.” 

Julia frowned when she heard her name being passed around. Fortunately, she saw Glanna and Harper right outside their classroom, talking in hushed voices

Hey,I said, Interrupting their conversation

The two of them froze and turned to me with wide eyes. What’s happening?I asked. Everyone’s acting weird.” 

Harper pursed her lips and faced me. Have you heard?she whispered

Obviously not,I muttered. Why? Is there something wrong?” 

Gianna went straight to the point. Heather is spreading rumors that you stole Evander from her.” 

My frown deepened. What?I exclaimed

It’s not true, right?Gianna asked. I mean, there are no official articles. But you know Heather. She has quite the influence in the school.” 

I ran my fingers through my hair. Are we in high school or what?I muttered. I didn’t steal anyone.” 

The two of them sighed in relief. Alright, so the two of them are still together?Gianna asked

No,I answered truthfully

The two of them were shocked once again. I clicked my tongue and let out a deep breath

They’ve broken up,I said. Now, I don’t know what Heather is spreading around, but Evan didn’t cheat on her with methat’s one thing I’m confident about.” 

Gianna sighed. We believe you,she said. We just hope the others do, too.” 

I shook my head. Frankly, their opinions are the least of my worries. I just wish this doesn’t blow out of proportion,I muttered

We’ll help you,Harper quickly said. Well, we don’t have much influence, especially not like Heather’s, but we’ll clear it up with our circle.” 

I nodded as I massaged my temples. Thank you, guys

Let’s head in,I muttered. They nodded, and the three of us were about to head inside the classroom when Mr. Matthews suddenly arrived, appearing like he was in quite bad mood

The three of us halted Good morning, sir,Glanna even greeted. We continued our way inside, but Mr. Matthews called my name

Julia,he said

I stopped in my tracks and turned to him, a small frown appearing on my forehead when I saw how he was looking at me. His eyes were filled with some longing and anger? What kind of combination was that

+25 BONUS 

Chapter 91: A Wend Teacher 

Let me speak with you for a moment,he said

Glanna and Harper glanced at each other. The two of you, ead inside,he instructed

I gave them a small smile. I’ll follow right after,I muttered

They nodded and went on without me. Just then, the bell rang, signaling the start of the class. I looked around the hallways, and it was already empty

Umm, sir,I started off. Don’t you have to start class?asked

Mr. Matthewsface didn’t change. He didn’t even respond right away

Then, after a few more seconds, he finally spoke, Why did you leave me all alone in the party?” 

I couldn’t help but frown. Excuse me, sir?I asked

M? You 

You were supposed to pass the project to me, left me hanging and went away with those two men. One of them is even your exboyfriend.” 

Now, it was starting to get weirder

I don’t think you have to mention those details, sir,I stemly said

He sighed deeply. How could I not when I waited for you all evening? Now, I have no choice but to give you even more deductions for this project.” 

It doesn’t matter, sir,I said, stepping back. The project was only a small fraction of our grade, so I could afford to miss a couple of points

I saw a weird glint in his eyes, and I wanted nothing more than to escape

This was the first time I had felt so uncomfortable with Mr. Matthews. He always doted on me as a student, but this was just different

So, that’s it?he asked. I gave you so many chancesone I didn’t even give to other studentsbut you’re throwing it away.” 

Julia,he said, stepping closer. My heart began to race inside my chest, and I froze, unable to move away from him out of horror. You know I’ve always liked you, right? As a student, you were the greatest one out there. Do you know how happy I was when I heard you were coming back?” 

He raised his hand to carress my cheek

Is there something going on here?” 

Fortunately, the dean of our college passed through, and M. Matthews quickly stepped back. The usual smile on his face appeared instantly, sending shivers down my spine. It felt like the man I was talking to disappeared in the blink of an eye

Nothing, ma’am,he said with a small smile. I was just talking to Julia about a missed project.” 

Well, you shouldn’t talk about it during class hours,she reprimanded. Your other students are waiting.” 

Mr. Matthews pursed his lips and nodded. You’re right, ma’am. We were about to head in.” 

Well, go on,she said, gesturing toward the door

I didn’t waste any time. I gave her a small bow and went inside. However, the atmosphere wasn’t any better than that with Mr. Matthews


Chapter 91: A Weint Toucher 

Nearly everyone inside the room was shooting daggers at her being consoled by her friends

Her eyes were bloodshot and swollenlike she had cried t doting on her, even glaring at me in the process

I pursed my lips. She sure looked pitiful today. However, the Astor’s residence. I kept my head held high as I walked 

However, I didn’t miss the names they threw my way


She thinks she can get away with this,” 

It’s only a matter of time before Heather gets her justice

Julia Johnson will rot in hell.” 

+25 BONUS 

Chapter 91: A Weird Teacher 

Nearly everyone inside the room was shooting daggers at me with their eyes. I then glanced at Heather and saw her being consoled by her friends

Her eyes were bloodshot and swollenlike she had cried the entire night. I frowned as her friends continued doting on her, even glaring at me in the process

I pursed my lips. She sure looked pitiful today. However, I knew better. She looked perfectly fine when she was at the Astor’s residence. I kept my head held high as I walked to my seat

However, I didn’t miss the names they threw my way


She thinks she can get away with this.” 

It’s only a matter of time before Heather gets her justice.” 

Julia Johnson will rot in hell.” 

+25 BONUS 

Chapter 92: You’re Nothing 

Now, it’s time for him to listen

Now, it’s time for him to listen

Status: Ongoing


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