Chapter 62: Leave Him Alone
I entered my apartment, feeling heavier than usual. The way Julia looked at me–it was so suffocating.
But then again, I must have made her feel that way several times before.
I shook my head and collapsed on the couch, massaging my temples.
Just then, the lights opened, making me squint my eyes.
“You’re home,” Heather said, revealing herself leaning against the balcony windows. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest, and she gave me a pointed look.
She was also wearing one of my button–ups while drinking from my wine glass.
“Heather,” I muttered, wondering if it was better if I went to my house instead.
“Please let rest first,” I said, not wanting to argue with her. A lot has happened.”
“Oh I know,” Heather said, joining me on the couch and placing her hand on my lap. “Your dad had told me.”
I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Those two had gotten closer ever since the failed engagement party.
“What else did he tell you?” I asked, not opening my eyes.
“That Andy is truly your son,” she said, but she sounded much calmer than I had anticipated. I opened my eyes slightly to look at her face. It still hasn’t changed from a while back.
“And how do you feel about that?”
“It doesn’t matter,” she said, shrugging like it wasn’t a big deal. “You had him before we even got together. Your dad showed me some photos, too, and you look exactly like him. There’s barely any resemblance with Julia.”
“Where are you going with this?” I asked, already tired of the conversation.
“I could take care of him well,” Heather said, making me open my eyes fully. I sat up straight and furrowed my eyebrows.
“I know I said I wasn’t ready for a child,” she continued. “But that’s only because I’m still rising as a model. I haven’t even reached the peak of my career just yet. Moreover, I still have to make a name for myself in the art Industry.”
“However, now that you have a child, it changes everything. We have a lot of resources to take care of him.”
“I don’t like how you’re talking about him like he’s an inanimate object, Heather,” I said, moving away slightly. “I’m sorry,” she said, suddenly sniffing. My eyes widened when I saw her tear up before exploding into tears.
I pursed my lips, not knowing what to do. I would have pitied her more, but it felt like I was doing it out of obligation. I sighed.
“You don’t have to apologize,” I said, trying to make the situation better.
“It’s just that I’m also having a hard time with all of this. After the failed engagement and being humiliated in front of everybody, and now, finding out that my boyfriend has a child? It’s all too much,” she ranted.
“It may not look like it, but I want the best for you, Anders, she continued, scooting closer to me once again and holding onto my hands.
Chapter 62 Leave Him Alone
“I don’t know whether Julia had said something to you, but she’s still the same person. She’s still the same girl who hurt you five years ago. She even hid your child away from you!” she exclaimed.
“Heather, that is not the problem,” I said, massaging the bridge of my nose. She didn’t hide it from me. I know that now. She tried to tell me, but I didn’t listen to her back then because I was so hurt.
“Then what is?” Heather asked, tears still streaming down her cheeks.
“Our relationship is slowly crumbling because of her. I’m willing to take responsibility for your child. We can give him the greatest life he could ever have. I will be a good mother to him.”
“Heather…,” I said, trying to cut her off, but she just kept on talking.
“Have you forgotten who pulled you out of the darkness when Julia hurt you?” she suddenly asked, bringing up the past.
“When you were all alone, and you didn’t want to talk to anyone else, I was there. Your parents even sent you away for a while, but I still stayed. I even gave up the opportunities in my life just so I could stay with you,” she continued, sounding exasperated.
I pursed my lips. Now, that was true. Heather was the only person who comforted me when I felt I was alone.
I didn’t ask her to do it, but at that time, she said she was offered to study abroad. However, she turned it down for my sake. It was one of the actions that made me realize her sincerity.
“I did all of those because I love you so much,” she said, wrapping her arms around my body. My arms stayed still as I looked at the crown of her head.
Was it really like that?
Was Julia right when she said we shouldn’t have met at all?
But then, one look at Andy and Julia made me feel like I could forget everything else. However, that was easier said than done.
“I can’t just get Andy from Julia,” I said after a moment of silence.
She lifted her head. She had stopped crying now, but her cheeks were still stained with tears.
“Why not?” she asked.
“Because Andy isn’t mine to begin with,” I muttered. “He is mine by blood, but I wasn’t there for him growing up.”
“I may be able to give him a better life financially, but Julia had given him the best life with love,” I continued, a small smile appearing on my face.
I felt her hold on me tighten a bit.
“And I don’t want to take that away. I know she has hurt me before. However, I have hurt her too–by not listening to her back then. So, I need you to leave her alone, please.”
“I appreciate everything you’ve done,” I continued, finally wrapping my arms around her. “But, let my son be.”
“I want him to be happy, and I’ll continue supporting him