Chapter 83: A Love Quadrangle?
Evan and I turned to each other with wide eyes. The two of us weren’t expecting that answer.
A small chuckle left my lips. I was sure Andy was joking. However, as I glanced at him, there wasn’t an ounce of a smile in his expression.
With that, I kneeled down to his level, wondering if I heard it wrong
“What was that, bub?” I asked to clarify his meaning
He avoided my gaze and instead focused it on his fingers. “I don’t want a dad anymore,” he said. “I only need you.”
With that, he wrapped his arms around me. I turned to look at Evan and saw his heartbroken expression. I pursed my lips, not knowing what to say. For a long time, Andy had wanted to meet him.
However, right now, he was pushing him away like the plague! Was this why he wasn’t asking for Evan these days?
I gave Evan a look, and he cleared his throat and tried to get close to Andy. However, Andy merely moved away, not even sparing him a glance.
“I’ll keep playing with my friends now, Mommy!” he quicldy said and ran off.
“Andy, wait!” I exclaimed. However, he was already mingling with his friends.
“What’s wrong with him?” I murmured as I stood
“It’s my fault,” Evan suddenly said, taking me by surprise.
“It’s all coming back to me now,” he muttered. “Honestly, it was a dream to still be wanted by Andy even if I wasn’t present. He’s such an understanding child. ”
“It is what it is,“I sighed. “You weren’t there-”
“But I should have,” he interrupted. “I should have been there from the beginning. I should have fought harder to find you both. Instead, I let my own fears and mistakes keep me away. I didn’t talk to you to clarify that what happened that damn night. And now he doesn’t want me.”
“What do you mean?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.
Up until now, I still didn’t know the entire reason why he broke up with me that day. Was it really just because of Garyn’s pressure on him?
His brows furrowed. “You’re not aware?”
“No,” I muttered, looking into his eyes. His gaze softened, and there was a flash of recognition within them.
“Wait,” he whispered.
However, before we could finish our conversation, Ellie went to the two of us and dragged us to the open area.
“What’s happening?” I asked.
“It’s time for the parents game!” she exclaimed.
“There’s plenty of parents around,” I said, trying to tug my hand away. However, Ellie appeared much stronger
than she looked
Chapter 63 A Love Quadrangle
“We need four teams,” she said.
“Alright, here’s our last contender!” Ellie exclaimed, and the crowd cheered. I pursed my lips and looked around, trying to look for an escape.
I glanced at Evan for help, but it seemed like he wanted to do this, too.
“It’s going to be fun,” he said. “However, after this one, let’s talk, alright?”
I gazed up at him. “Can we talk now, please?”
He shook his head. “Let’s talk somewhere private. For now, let’s focus on beating those two,” he said, subtly gesturing to the couple next to us.
I turned my gaze and saw Simon’s parents with another couple. They were glancing at us and chuckling right after, making me click my tongue.
“We still need two more people!” Ellie exclaimed. “Anyone in the audience wants to join our dearest Julia and
“What kind of game is this?” I muttered.
“This game will be played with four players for each team, do I need a raise of hands.”
Just then, Carson appeared from the crowd, appearing quite determined.
Evan clicked his tongue by my side as Carson stood next to me.
Ellie had a knowing look in her eyes as she gazed at me. I playfully rolled my eyes.
“One more!” Ellie exclaimed, appearing the most excited out of everyone. Her eyes kept going back to us while trying to look for someone.
“So, the two of you are not together?” Carson suddenly asked, capturing our attention.
Evan and I turned to him.
“Huh?” I asked.
Carson pursed his lips before responding. “I heard from Miss Ellie that you weren’t married,” he muttered.
I turned to Ellie, and she still had a look of enjoyment on her face. I swear, she reminded me so much of Sarah. They were practically two peas in a pod!
“Uh, yeah,” I said. “We had Andy when we were young. We never got married.”
“I see,” Carson said, a wide smile now on his face.
I could sense Evan wanted to say something, so I held onto his arm and shook my head. There was a pleading look on his face, but I signaled for him to stay quiet.
Meanwhile, Ellie was still having a hard time recruiting another member for our team.
“I’ll pick a random parent if nobody volunteers,” she said in a playful tone, but I knew she was being serious.
We waited for a while, and no one seemed to want to join or team.
When suddenly….
Chapter 53 A Love Quadrangle *
“Mel” Someone exclaimed.
We all turned in the direction of the voice, my eyes nearly popping out of their sockets when I saw who it was.
Amidst the crowd was a tall man with golden strands of hair
“What is he doing here?” I muttered.
“This bastard,” Evan said, clicking his tongue.
Meanwhile, Heath walked through the crowd with a small smirk. His gaze wasn’t focused on me but on Evan instead.
However, when he got to where we were, his eyes went to me, softening just the slightest.
“Hey, Julia,” he greeted.
Before I could ask him a question. Ellie had clapped her hands.
“Alright!” she exclaimed; I turned to look at her once more and saw that her smile had widened a thousandfold. All teams are complete!”
“I will now reveal the game,” Ellie continued.
‘It’s a twist on the three–leg race! Now, it’s a five–leg race for four people.”
Oh, fuck me.
Why was I stuck with these three men for such a game?