Three years after my husbands death I was asked to donate his heart to his one true love Chapter 9

Three years after my husbands death I was asked to donate his heart to his one true love Chapter 9
  1. 9

Emily sobbed, but David didn’t look back. The 

police arrived, and she was taken away. Her 

doctor, predictably, had fled the moment the 

video played. His actions only fueled David’s 

rage. But he didn’t get far. David’s resources 

were vast, and the doctor was quickly 

apprehended. Under questioning, the truth 

came out. My accidentwasn’t an accident 

at all. It was orchestrated by Emily. She’d 

been consumed by jealousy, resentful that

was David’s wife, even though he claimed to 

love only her. When she discovered we shared 

a blood type, a twisted plan formed. She’d 

arranged the car accident, then, with her 


doctor’s help, stolen my heart, eliminating 

me, her rival, in the process. But karma, it 

seemed, was real. The transplanted heart had 

never fully accepted her body, giving her only 

a few more years. Now, the fall from the 

stage had aggravated her condition. As soon 

as she was released from police custody, she 

was rushed back to the hospital. David stared 

at the evidence, then remembered the 

secretary’s words. He raced to my mom’s 

house, only to find it demolished. Our little 

home was gone, my grave and headstone 

vanished. He frantically called his secretary

asking about Mom. Mr. Walker, I told you. 

Sheshe committed suicide.David finally 

broke down. In his grief, I saw genuine 

remorse. It was his fault. My death, my 

mother’s deathit was all on him. This was 

his retribution. Emily’s condition worsened

The doctors said she wouldn’t last long. She 

begged David to see her one last time. He 

agreed. At her bedside, Emily whispered

David, if I said it wasn’t intentionalwould 

you believe me?David remained silent, his 

face turned away. She knew he’d never 

forgive her. David, we knew each other for 

so longI always thoughtwe’d be 

together… But then, I got sick, and your 

family made you marry someone else

hated herI thought she’d stolen 

everythingWhen I found out about our 

blood typeI thought it was a second 

chancea chance to liveI found her 

words ironic. I’d loved David too. Before Emily 

returned, I thought I had everything. Then,

lost it all his love, my life, my family all 

because of Emily’s selfishness. Wasn’t I the 

one who should feel resentment? David 

closed his eyes, his voice filled with disgust

Emily, I never imagined you were capable of 

suchevil. You deserve toHe trailed off

unable to finish the thought. It was because

loved you! I wanted to be with you, not her!” 

Emily coughed, her body wracked with pain

In the end, she was just another victim of 

love, a pathetic figure. But David’s heart was 

hardened. “I gave you the best of me, and 

you repaid me with thisthis monstrous act

I’m done with you. And I’m taking back what 

doesn’t belong to you.Emily clutched at his 

hand, but he pulled away, leaving her for the 

last time. She died a few hours later, alone 

and unmourned. Her body lay in the morgue

discarded. David had her heart removed and 

buried it in my empty grave. I was surprised 

by his cruelty, but as I watched the still- 

beating heart enclosed in a box, its life slowly 

fading, I felt a part of myself die too. David 

knelt by my grave, promising to build a 

memorial, to pray for my forgiveness. But it 

was too late. The connection between us

whatever it was, was severed. Delayed 

remorse is worthless. “David, I’m tired


Three years after my husbands death I was asked to donate his heart to his one true love

Three years after my husbands death I was asked to donate his heart to his one true love

Status: Ongoing
Three years after my husbands death I was asked to donate his heart to his one true love


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