Chapter 9
zan go wherever I want, because you are not my father to tell me what to do and secondly I am in so much hurry right now, I don’t mind transforming and following the mountains to get home” I said to him as he looked at Natasha who was smiling
I know this is a perfect opportunity for both of them to be together as a
a tral couple f
for oner without my interruptions
This fine, you can go, but are you sure you’ll be safe in the mountains “Holand said before unlocking the door.
“Look Ren Im not a child and this is not the first time I am going throug dom hundly before walking away as I headed towards to the forest
“I said to him before exiting the car. I slammed th
Ttured back to check on their movement and they just started moving slowly. Timmediately transformed, giving Erica freedom to run fast as she could back to the palace.
When I got there, I adjusted myself and slowly walked towards the front done as the guards low at me
Welcome Lana, you came without your car “the guards asked looking behind and around me if they could find anything wrong with me
“I am perfectly fine the trate was just too heavy so I decided to walk back home” I said to them before walking away. I came outside to the guards when I remembered I was supposed to ask you a very important question
* Is Loku still in the palace” 1 asked them
“Sir Loki, he is still around but I heard he’s leaving, that was what he told us the guards said I nodded in response and walked in.
Ineshed towards the maids quarter to find Loki. I have actually never really been to this part of the palace.
Because of the rules that maids and all royals cannot be friends or interact with each other, the maids and servants were surprised to see me at Them quarters, Whatever I wanted must have really been important as they quickly stopped whatever they were doing and bowed to me.
“You don’t have to bow at every chance you get” I said to a few of them who was close to me
I need to see Loki I added one of the elderly maids pointed towards a corridor and told me that was the way to Loki’s part of the building
I thanked them before heading towards the corridor. There was a door at the end of the corridor which I knocked on gently and was opened by
He look a little at peace than earlier, but when he saw me he was a bit surprised and still angry at me
“Why are you here Enca be asked me
* I just want to talk to you. I just want us to settle this to amend all this rubbish going on, you don’t want to continue like this, you can’t serve me if you keep Malice with me I wont be able to work together for the greatness of my pack” I said to him he looked at me lifting a brow up.
“What do you mean by working together for the benefit of the palace! I am just your servant and you just have to work on your own. How does that have to do with both of us?” he asked. 1 just made a huge mistake, I was not supposed to say that.
“I am sorry I said it that way, all I wanted to say was we can’t keep Malice and still work together I said to him praying he would at least let me into bu Chainden but lie seemed to be stit
Why do you want in to work together? You can just employ another driver. I really don’t want to work here anymore,” he said to me, the one word Inever wanted to hear.
othöure flan to take advantage of loki’s lineage yous to the Royal family
“Tur loki you cannot love like that, you still owe me your life” I said to him trying my best to sound as tough as I could possibly be. What do you mean by royal vows to your faurally, I don’t understand explain better when did Lever make a vow to you” Loki asked
Trout you know thost of the mains and servants around there are only working brie, because their family: their lineage will continue their work and your tanndy made a vow to the royals, my family and yours made a promise that they will serve them
uude a vow to the Royal family that continuously down to churar generations to generations and you’re just another generation of your family, that means you have to serve me “I said to him I never really wanted my use that side or plot towards Toki but this w all I got and this was the only way I could stop him from leaving and
“So you mean my family already made a weas to you and I’m just knowing about this for me the first time” he said more to himself than to me “I am sorry I had to laning it up this report you just cannot leave you still have to be by my side and drive me wherever I wan” I said a bit rudely! I did not have a choice, that was the only way to manipulate lais minid I needed to have adlarity and stone like the Queen that I was
y but
Tine, my family made a vow… I will stay
ay but do not try to get into any head or involve discussions with me. Let’s just be strangers like this, I hope that will be fine with you” he said to me.
hapter 9
I had no responir. 1
al in response.
able to stop him but if I try to make him be by my side and stopi keeping Malice I will just make everything worse so
expectedly, leaving me in ntter check at his action
schy was he bring so angry about everything I was being naive back then, I believed everything Ronald said to me and had to drive him away from the house blaming his father for my parents death even though he lost his only family to the accident too. I always feeling a bit of fear that maybe he would get una simular
I slowly wem back to my room, took off the black dress I had put on for the stupid dinngr with Ronald.
Which has no meaning of made any changes to my life I really wanted to have a few words with Beatrice. At this moment, it is already late and I can’t really do much anymore.
I decided to take a shower first, then relax after that I could think of something that will help my plans
After the shower, I decided to take a little fresh air at my balcony
when I saw Loki pacing around the compound like he was thinking about something.
so I left him to be on his own I just made
“I really wanted to call his name or say anything to him, but I felt like this was not the right time yet sure to watch his every movement…at some while he would stand and make no movement then continue moving around.
As if he was saying some words to himself. I moved closer to the edge of the balcony to see if he had his phone on him. Maybe that should be a perfect excuse for the parade which he was making around but he had no phone with him.
He was actually in so much distress that he began to talk to himself. I went back into my room, took out a night robe and put it on, rushing downstairs to join him. Maybe he was contemplating whether to forgive me or not. I really hope that was what was going on a minute ago.
Loki is anything wrong” I asked pacing faster towards him, he moved back a bit
“And why do you care why are you suddenly being so forward and disturbing Loki asked
“I am not being forward or disturbing, it’s just you were pacing around and it felt like you were in distress, I cannot just watch my friend being in such a distress “I said
I am not your friend, why do you suddenly care!! please and please do not call me your friend, no matter what it is you just makes me feel less and le worthy of everything “he said and was about to leave but this time I did not know what got into me as I quickly rushed to him gripping tightly to his arm.