You Married Wit A Billionaire Ch 3

You Married Wit A Billionaire Ch 3


Winstona gare darker 

Tot if that’s true things could get away. Heal meas 

Chelsea looked like she il been thuenigh the wainger, farely holding herself together. She wih ribot manage 

“Winston: She tried to pull back, but her knees bucklest, as she studded fan ward

Heysteady inw,“ Wandon inuiered, wrapping his her out of the elevator

fighter aicinul her wald. He lonely noticed fallar’s wide eyel 

What are you doing here?” he asked, finside, he wondered. Did she come to at leap trouble

chelsea’s fare was pale as a glost, her voice barely a whisper. My family his 

A friend?He anched an rycbow

Kate Meyer, She’s in HIICChelsea steadied herself, glausing annual Wall 

I was looking for a friend 

She couldn’t help but think, maybe her rashi lausland had some talent she hadn’t seen. Onbetwise, he couldach endbugs here

Winston handed her a glass of warm water, noticing how sickly she looked. Yeali, jou started” 

In was true. Heilmily recently reimmed from studying abroad, Bailly 

aly to sink his teeth 

He’d hranol Kate, Sharp, Init with a serious case of busybody syndrome

Chebes took a sip of the water, the warndlurasing berdiscomfort. Thanks,” she said

So, they really threw you out!Winston maart one to get nosy, but alter List night, he felt a nagging sense of 

Vep. The second they found out 

A flicker of something crossed Winston’s face, but he

sir lighed, a hollow some Now Fun banke, and Kate was my last option” 

Just then, Chelsea’s phone lastzzed, and she grabbed it, relief flooding her lace

Kate blurted out, Chelseat Oh my god, I just saw your 

Tumot even in town right now Stay at my plier tonigla, okay? The cride in 

The call out off siddenly, her plone thashing a low battery warning before dying completely 

She stared at the dead screen, feeling lier stomach drop

Kate was gone, she had zero cash, and her last shrest of hope was slipping away. Panic bobbled up inside her, and she felt trapped

Winston’s gaze swept over her, taking in the full picture. She was still wearing Hut classy dress, her figure elegant yet fragile, her and helplessness. She looked completely lost

Why don’t you just crash at my place tonight? Winstim siggestri, a little uncertain 

re a mix of pride 

* Winston saw the do 

doubt flicker in her eyes and quickly realized she might ve misunderstood. He was about to clear things up, but she kepe 



Chelsea’s eyes widened in surprise, but then she hesitated. “Is it th your eat big enoughe 

Look, Fin totally broke right now. If you’re offering, that would be amazingChelsea admitted, sounding relieved. She handly knew anyone in Evergreen besides Kate. Winston was literally the only prison she could ask

She added, I just started this job, and the pay isn’t great. sat I’ll cover my share of rent and groceries, I promise. I’ll find my own place as soon as

She looked at him with genuine gratitude. Thank you, Mr. MoodyShe was all too aware of how steep ilse cost of living in Evergreen could be, and 


even with a Nova Group paycheck, she doubted he was living in luxury 

Winston hadn’t exactly thought this through it had been an impulsive offer. Now, seeing her take in so seriously and even talking about pitching in, he realized she might have misunderstood his background. But there was no taking it back now 

Let’s go, he said, turning toward the parking lot

Wait where are we going?” Cheben asked, a bit thrown off 

My car’s in the lot.” 

She followed him, her eyes trailing his tall, broad framehe had to be around sixthree, lowering over her fiveseven

When he mentioned a car, she blinked, mildly surprised. But that was nothing compared to what came next 

They reached the lot, and Chelsea nearly did a double take. Winston was walking straight toward a slick black Rolls Royce 

Her jaw droppedthis car had to be worth more than her entire life savings

No wayare you serious? This is your car she blurted, hurrying to catch up and grabbing his arm just before he could open the door

Winston smirked, instantly reading her disbeliefshe clearly thought he was living paycheck to paycheck

Actually, that’s—he started to explain, but she cut him off

Wait, hold up.she hissed, noticing someone sitting inside. Lowering her voice even more, she quickly added, Sorry, we must’ve mixed up the 

Fabian looked out, utterly bewildered, but Winston gave him a quick look that screamed. Play along” 

Fabian, getting the hint, nodded and drove off without a word

When it was gone, Winston casually pointed to a much more downtoearth car in the next spot. This one’s actually mine. Hop in.” 

Right,” Chelsea said, exhaling with relief

She’d seen her fair share of fancy ears, and this oneworth maybe a few hundred thousandseemed a lot more fitting for a guy in his position

As Chelsea reached for the back door handle, Winston’s voice came out sharp. Hey, get in the frontTM 

He gave her a look that said it all. Seriously? Does she really thinks I am her driver or something

Chelsea froze, suddenly realizing her blunder. Awkwardly, she pulled her hand back and stammered, Oh, uh sorry.” 

Without another word, she opened the front passenger door and slipped inside, keeping her movements quick and careful 

Winston didn’t bother responding. Instead, he pulled out his phone and tired off a message to Fabian Find a twobedroom apartment near the office. Immediately.

Fabian: On it, Mr. Moody 

Fabian stared at his phone, his eyebrows lifting What’s this, some kind of poverty cosplay! Since when does Mr. Moody slum it? Shaking his head, he went back to work

It was peak rush hour, and the streets were jam packed. A trip that should’ve taken five minutes dragged on for nearly thirty 

By the time they pulled up outside the apartment, an hour had crawled by 

As the car rolled to a stop, Chelsea peered our the windowand her face fell

The place was rough, to put it kindly. The walls were scrawled with faded graffiti, and the buildings showed their age. A drowsy security guard leaned against the gate, halfasleep, while locals milled about casually, paying no mind to the world around them

Chelsea, who’d grown up surrounded by luxury, couldn’t hide her reaction. She looked at Winston, half expecting him to say this was all some kind 

of joke


Extra Checkin 

AdKnee Broding 

The Mouchar 


The car door clicked open, and Chelsea stepped out, Winston was already ahead of her, striding toward the building. Let’s go.” 

She hurried after him, taking in the peeling paint and grimy hallways. At least there was a keypad lock on the stairwell door

Winston punched in the code, and the door clicked open

Inside, the apartment wasn’t much better. Small, basic, and cold as hellit suited Winston’s frosty vibe almost too well

Winston didn’t seem fazed. He went straight to the shoe cabinet, pulled out a pair of slippers, and slipped them on like he’d done it a million times

Chelsea stood there, watching him, more convinced than ever that he actually lived in this dump


any spare slippers?she asked, her voice softer now. She hadn’t brought anythingno change of clothes, no toiletries, nothing 

Disposable ones. Cabinet he replied, already walking toward the kitchen 

Winston had a fullon obsession with keeping things spotlesslike, overthetop clean freak. So, Fabian always made sure to have plenty of disposable stuff on standby, ready to whip out whenever Winston started freaking out over a linle mess

Chelsea crouched down, opened the shoe cabinet, and blinked. Sure enough, there were at least a dozen pairs of disposable slippers stacked neatly 


She raised an eyebrow. Who the hell keeps this many? Does he bring people here often

Her thoughts were interrupted by Winston’s return, enffee in hand and a look that was pure ice. What are 

Chelsea snapped out of it, shaking her head quickly. None of my business, whatever it is

She slipped on the slippers and cleared her throat Which room’s mine!” 

are you staring att 

“The first on the left is mine. Yours is the secondHe took a sip of coffee and addeit, as if it were a side note. And stay out of my room.” 

The warning in his tone was impossible to miss. Winston didn’t just value his privacyhe demanded it

Got it,Chelsea said with a nod 

Chelsea pushed open the door to her room and stepped inside. It wasn’t big, but it had everything she needed

The place was spotless, not a speck of dust in sight. By the window, a few small potted plants added a touch of life to the otherwise plain decor

Still, the room felt bare. It lacked the warmth and comfort she was used to I need to buy a few things, she thought, pulling out her phone 

Within minutes, she had a cart full of essentials ready to check out. But when she hit Pay, the screen flashed a message that sent her stomach plummeting: Insufficient funds 

For a moment, Chelsea just stared at the screen. Then it hit hershe was broke. Completely, utterly broke

The sun was already setting, and the air in the room felt colder by the second. There was no way she was sleeping on the bare floor 

What now? Ask Winston for help? The thought made her stomach twist. But she had no choice

When Chelsea stepped back into the room, Winston was already settled, pulling his laptop out and logging into th 

the company network like he could do it in his sleep

A message from Fabian Howe popped up instantly: [Mr. Moody, everything alright with the apartment

Winston: [Yeah

Chelsea came back out just as he logged off the network and switched to browsing the official site, casually 

He didn’t feel the need to clear up her assumption that he was just some broke guy. If she wanted to think that, so be it. He thought it might even work in his favor, especially since she’d had a thing with Wade 

Mr. Moody, do you happen to have any spare sheets?she asked in a small voice


None, Winston replied bluntly

Then, catching the embarrassed look on her face, be raised an eyebrow and ailded, in a slightly cold tone. You strapped for cash or sounrthing” 

Chelsea v cheeks went red. No. I was actually gonna ask a friend for help,she mumbled, feeling even more awkward

Asking him for a place to stay was already a big deal, no way she’d start hitting him up for money too

She’d never felt this selfconscious in her life. She was just about to dock out of the conversation when Winston spoke up 

Hold onHe grabbed his wallet, pulled out his phone, and in one smooth move, transferred her 1500 dollars

Chelsea stared at the notification, feeling warmitly bloom in her chest. Mr. Moodly. I’ll treat this as a loan. I’ll pay you back as soon as I can, promise” 

He opened his mouth, ready to tell her not to bother, but before he could get a word out. Chelsea’s phone buzzed

She picked up, only to hear Drogo, speaking in his usual commanding tome. Chelsea, I need you in the office tomorrow” 

Got it?she replied evenly. She still technically worked for the Wise Group, and she needed to go in to handle her resignation

And another thing.he added, voice hardening, you’re going to divorer that man and marry Mr. Robinson right away. Or you can forget about- 

Chelsea didn’t even wait for him to finish. She hung up and blocked his number on the spot, funning 

Marry that old bastard Over my dead body, she thought with a flash of anger



You Married Wit A Billionaire

You Married Wit A Billionaire

Status: Ongoing


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